Page 36 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 36

        Doing England and Great Britain proud in

        Queensland and Berlin
        Dina and Adam at the Commonwealth Games and

        European Championships 2018

                                wealth Games at a senior level   Now in Australia she was ready
          Having graduated in 2017   and she opted not to double   for the competition. Firstly the
          from London University with   upin the sprints, competing in   200 metres. She qualified by
          a 2:1 History degree Dina   only the 200m. She chose the   winning her heat and finishing
          Asher-Smith in 2018 could   Gold Coast over Birmingham,   second in the semi final; in the
          concentrate on her next objective,   which hosted the World Indoor   final, Dina ran brilliantly for
          the Commonwealth Games in   Championships in March. She   a bronze medal with a time of
          the Gold Coast in Queensland,   admitted to wanting to do both   22.29 beating Olympic champi-
          Australia. “I have finished   but she wanted the opportu-  on Elaine Thompson into 4th
          university which is one stress out   nity to do the Commonwealth   place, and finishing only 2/10th
          of the way, even if I did love it”   Games because it had “a lot of   of a second behind the winner,
          she remarked. “The impending   pedigree to it. It is an oppor-  Miller-Uibo of the Bahamas.
          doom of dissertation and exams   tunity to hone my skills, learn   Having normally been training
          has gone and my foot is no longer   more and race against the fast-  at this point in the year she
          broken so that worry is gone,   est in the world, which is what I   “just wanted to get (myself) out
          too.”.                love doing.”            of the fourth and fifths and
                                                        make it”.
        She was also able to put two   In building form for the
        years of injuries behind her after   Gold Coast she posted some   Later in the week Dina ran in
        being hindered by a hamstring   impressive performances in the   England’s 4 x 100m relay team
        injury in 2016 and a broken foot   run up to those games. At the   running a strong second leg
        the following year. This year she   Indoor Grand Prix in Glasgow   giving England an unassail-
        faced a different kind of chal-  in February, she clocked two   able lead going into the last
        lenge that of needing to reach a   sub-7.10 seconds 60m times   leg which was run by Lorraine
        peak of form relatively early in   for the first time in a one-day   Ugen a former B&B athlete to
        the year. “You have to remem-  meeting and finished ahead of   anchor the team to winning
        ber that in a typical European   Olympic 100m and 200m cham-  gold medals, where they won
        season you peak in August”   pion Elaine Thompson and   gold in a time of 42.46 seconds,
        she said “around the European   world 200m champion Dafne   beating one of the favorites,
        Championships and the Dia-  Schippers her long standing   Jamaica.
        mond League finals this year…   rivals. In the final, Asher-Smith
        It will be interesting to see if we   was a narrow second behind
        can all be at that point in April.   Marie Josee Ta Lou. Then in
        Hopefully we can have some   March at The Sydney Grand
        fun and do England proud.”  Prix albeit against weaker
                                opposition she won the 100m
        This was because she was   in a time of 11.24secs and a
        heading to the Gold Coast,   week later won a 200m in 22.90
        where she would compete in the   into a headwind at a meeting in
        200m and 4x100m relay, Dina   Nathan Queensland.
        could draw on her experience
        of winning a Commonwealth
        youth gold in 2011 to give her
        confidence in the Gold Coast.
        This was her first Common-
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