Page 35 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 35

Feature  35

        under threat, as an unwanted   marathon fraternity, particularly   efforts. It was a comfort for
        by-product of increased profes-  those unused to the lifestyles   me to serve such good folk as
        sionalism and commercialism.   of the more traditional runners   the Turners, Dave Beadle, and
        It’s probably inevitable that the   and their presence should not   others who came to collect their
        event would become more of a   be execrated. It’s a bit like the   goody bags. These were given
        business and a highly efficient   BBC Proms Season changing   to those who presented their
        machine, in the way that the   to embrace a wider audience   running numbers at the counter
        Olympics moved on from   by including a greater variety   and in a lot of cases they had
        being a bastion of amateurism   of musical styles; purists will   already been creased, spoiled or
        to an institution striving for   need to get used to audiences   part mutilated by being dragged
        excellence. I don’t blame the   applauding between move-  out of the bottom of some vast
        ‘management’ as such who have   ments in piano concertos and
        the best interests of the mara-  symphonies.    reticule as if the individual had
                                                        no sense of its real value. How-
        thon at heart, and accept that
        it has continue to maintain its   If the running community   ever those from the Blackheath
        position as the leading marathon   is increasingly infected by a   Harriers or any other reputable
        in the world, as well as ensuring   loutish culture the marathon   athletics club presented their
        that it can continue to attract the   organisers cannot realistically   numbers, undamaged and
        world’s finest athletes.  be expected to legislate against   in pristine fashion as if they
                                it, but clubs such as ours can in   believed them to be the pages of
        Maybe in lamenting a lost past   their own way act as beacons of   sacred scripture. For them it was
        I sound like an old testa-  good form and propriety even if   the number and not the goody
        ment prophet bemoaning   Blackheath’s influence in terms   bag which had real value, but
        this metamorphosis but I do   of numbers might be declining.   the way that the masses treated
        have concerns about it as an   Blackheath Harriers can set a   there numbers you’d think that
        increasing number of runners   good example to others in the   it was the cheap tat which held
        are disposed to be fiercely   way it respects the marathon and   their attention and not the seri-
        competitive, or inclined to bad   shows commitment to training   ous business of running the race
        behaviour. There have of course   and preparation, and attitude to   which really mattered.
        in the past often been those who   fitness not as a driven obsession
        have displayed behaviour which   which dehumanises mankind   There may be many who will
        is highly unacceptable (such as   but is there to make us whole   run the marathon once and it
        relieving themselves in people’s   and balanced human beings.   never really changes their lives
        gardens along the route, and   Our great asset in the athletic   or character, but for others it
        being offered places through   world is that we a diverse collec-  should be a catalyst for improv-
        guaranteed entry but not putting   tion of individuals with a variety   ing the quality of their existence.
        the work in).           of qualities and characteristics   What it means in essence that in
                                which should make Blackheath
        Then again if more people are   an attractive club to join but also   running marathons, or any race
        being inspired to run marathons   to be accepted in.  for that matter we should be
        this should not be discouraged                  looking to become a better per-
        and London Marathon should   Amidst the slough of despond   son than the one we were yester-
        be applauded for being a major   that I seemed to experience   day or what we were before that.
        enabler in this progress. No one   whilst giving out goody bags   Run the race properly and at the
        wants to see the marathon de-  to the ‘swinish multitude’ there   end of those 26 miles you’ll gain
        cline and fade away due to lack   were welcome moments of hope   rewards far more permanent and
        of interest. If it keeps its place   when I recognised the familiar   of value than one of those tatty
        as a major sporting event it will   faces of ‘Heatherns’ coming   goody bags.
        be inevitable that a new wider   to collect these trifles, and to ex-
        field of runners will join the   press their appreciation for one’s   Wilfred Orton
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