Page 38 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 38

        The Club AGM 24th March 2018
        …passing of resolutions for the proposed Development

        of Norman Park Community Sports Facility

                                said the major costs were going   Denis Lawrie asked about the
          A meeting having been held   to be around £3,100,000 of   staffing arrangements at the
          by the Directors on Thursday   which the build costs would   new facility at Norman Park
          15 March 2018 at which the   be about 2,400,000. To meet   and was told that the club
          architect and building contractor   the overall costs there was an   would use some volunteers if
          had presented the plans for the   agreement for the contractor   that proved possible but had
          development of the Norman   to buy the Bourne Way site for   budgeted for a number of full
          Park proposal, for club members   £2 million. To make up the   time employees. As in resolu-
          to discuss those plans, several   total there are cash reserves in   tion C, this would be covered
          resolutions were presented at   the club of about £150,000 and   by the ability to employ staff on
          the club AGM on the 24th   funds in the Jack Sims Trust   the premises
          March. If such Resolutions   which were £350,000 but are   Chris Haines asked about the
          were approved the plans would   now somewhat less in the light   confidence of the Director/
          be presented to the Council the   of recent falls in the Stock Ex-  Trustees that the contractor
          following week and it was hoped   change. The company has also   would honour his word and
          that approval of these would be   got the offer of a £250,000 loan   pay the promised £2 million
          forthcoming by July when an   facility from the Charity Bank.  for the Bourne Way site. It was
          order would be placed for the steel           noted that we had spoken with
          required for the building which   The Business Plan has been   a number of the very substantial
          will be acquired by the company.   put to Bromley Council and   sporting organisations which
          It would then be necessary to   independently verified by them   the contractor had worked
          enter into an agreement to sell the   and approved. A pessimis-  with in the past and with some
          club house to release the funds to   tic assessment of the annual   of which the contractor had
          acquire the steel and begin the   surplus is £70,000 and over a   continuing relations. That was a
          construction work.    25 years cycle the company will   very clear indication of his bona
                                have to provide for the renewal   fides and if he let down Black-
                                of the track at a current cost of   heath Harriers he would suffer
        It was anticipated that building   £600,000 and building main-
        work at Norman Park will begin   tenance costs, over the same   considerable damage to his,
        in August with completion in                    currently, very high reputation.
        Spring 2019. The fit out will   period, of £250,000. An annual   Roger Beswick raised the
        be a major operation and all   surplus of £70,000 leaves a   possible threat of compulsory
        members of the club were en-  significant margin compared   purchase by the Council of the
        couraged to offer their help in   with those costs and even if the   Norman Park site as had hap-
        terms of time and expertise. the   surplus were to be no more than   pened to a local football club.
        company had applied to HM   £35,000 that would still provide   In response it was noted that
        Revenue & Customs (HMRC)   the necessary funds for track   the company would be granted
        for the construction work to be   renewal and building mainte-  a 125 year lease by Bromley
        zero rated but HMRC might   nance costs.        Council at a peppercorn rent
        require some of the building   These resolutions were then   and we would take legal advice
        costs to be VATable     discussed from the floor. There   to ensure that the position
        The company was also consid-  was now greater support for the   of the club was appropriately
        ering raising some funds from   Resolutions and the move but   safeguarded against compulsory
        members by way of debentures   there should be provision for   purchase or any other potential
        along similar lines to the deben-  a community sports and recre-  threat.
        tures issued in the 1970s when   ation facility at Norman Park.   Derek Gregory asked what
        the original 1920s club house   Most of the questions were met   security would be required by
        was extended. David Appleton   with answers relating to the   Charity Bank if it made the
        speaking on the business plan   resolutions:    company a loan. He was told
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