Page 31 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 31

Athletics Report  31

        It is always the aim of the hand-  One of the big highlights of the   should be the focal point of the
        icapper to achieve the objective   2018 series were the barbeques   club’s week.
        of all of the runners returning   that Deniz Mehmed and Gareth
        within a small time-band. This   Griffin arranged for every   These events could not take
        year the narrowest interval be-  Wednesday night of The Parris   place without volunteers so
        tween the arrival of the first and   Handicap. These proved to   many thanks to our Time Keep-
        last finishers was 2 minutes and   be enormously successful and   ers Mike and Terri, Recorders
        36 seconds in the April event.   attracted not only the runners   Steve Hollingdale, Denise King
        In the other events the broadest   but also non-runners and guests   and Peter Lovell and of course
        time-band was 8 minutes and 43   alike. Deniz and Garry have   my wonderful wife Sheila who
        seconds in the June race.  already indicated that they will   takes the entries and helps
                                run these events again for the   calculate the winners at the end
        The event generated about   2019 event. Not only is the   of the evening.
        £400 profit although more was   catering first class but our bar
        originally raised before the   profits increase considerably on   The first race of the 2019 series
        organisers bought new trophies   these nights! When concern is   will be on Wednesday 10th April
        for the first, second and third   being expressed about the de-  at 7.15pm.
        overall finishers.      clining attendance on Wednes-
                                day evenings, the barbecues          Richard Griffin
                                provide a welcome boost of
                                popularity and numbers in what

        Runners waiting nervously before the start of a race in Teipegs Lane.
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