Page 32 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 32

        Running for more than just goody bags…
        Reflections on the London Marathon Supper 25th April 2018

                                27 with only 1 finishing under   first half of the marathon but
          For those might have read   3 hours. The falling number of   said he could see other runners
          certain editions of the Courier   finishers reflects the now pre-  suffering even at the half way
          and the Gazette in recent years,   vailing difficulty of obtaining   point whilst remarking “it’s hell
          you may well remember certain   a race place and there are other   out there”; Tracey Ashenden
          write ups of the annual London   events to be run if runners seek   described people collapsing
          Marathon Supper, a light   better times in smaller fields,   and being given oxygen by the
          hearted evening during which   but this year it was the weather   emergency services, whilst a
          individual runners who had   conditions which affected   fellow runner exclaimed that
          completed the event gave their   many runner’s performances   next to the Marathon de Sables
          own snapshot recollections in   and targets.  this was the hardest run she had
          which they spoke in turn about                ever done. The club’s runners
          their experiences of the day. The   True the weather on the days   were not exempt from suffering
          evening is itself an entertaining   leading up to and on the day   themselves; Peter Tucker whose
          affair of course, perhaps second   of the marathon itself was   performance won him the
          only on Wednesday evenings to   unseasonably hot and this was   club marathon championship
          the Christmas Supper, and since   not lost on those who ran. On a   complained of a stretched calf
          its revival in 2001 it has become   deeper level certain conclusions   at 23 miles, and pulled his ham-
          a well established evening in the   could be drawn from those who   string later on; for him it was
          club social calendar.  recalled their race experiences.  damage limitation. Dave Beadle
                                                        described the second half of the
                                Firstly the performances were   race as horrible, and Paul Ker-
        However on attending this   significantly slower from   ekgyato was forced to stop for a
        year’s evening on the 25th of   previous years. PP Dick Griffin   while due to heat exhaustion.
        April, the occasion seemed   in his 37th ‘London’ said he had
        to have more poignancy than   just jogged around, whilst his   However there were more pos-
        other previous ones. The event   erstwhile training partner Dave   itive aspects of the race. Most
        is still well attended as new   King on his 278th marathon   were running for charity raised
        faces appeared in the club and   found he was an hour slower   impressive sums; Will Brind-
        new interest had been gener-  than the previous year. Will   ley raised £3,600 for arthritis
        ated in marathon running by   Brindley’s performance was   research, Zoe Kingsmill raised
        runner young and old. This is   speedier although five minutes   £2,000 for Juvenile Diabetes
        ironic because the numbers of   down on the previous year, but   fund, Paul Kerekgyato raised
        club athletes training for and   he did observe that he was 2,000   £1,4000 for his chosen charity,
        running the London Marathon   places quicker possibly due to   and the grand old timer Stan
        appeared to be in steady decline   the field having slowed down.   Ridgewell raised £3,167 for a
        over the last 15 years since the   As it was only one runner Peter   Charity started by an Afghani-
        guaranteed entry scheme was   Tucker managed to break three   stan War Veteran.
        scrapped in favour of new ways   hours and even he,running from
        of offering race entries.  the champions start considered   On the other hand some run-
                                his time of 2 hours 30 minutes   ners were able to overcome the
        In the heyday of the club’s   disappointing. Most finishers,   heat to produce some highly de-
        involvement in the marathon,   all but 2, ran in times of over 3   cent performances; Zoe King-
        there were over 100 runners   and a half hours.  smell beat her own personal best
        competing in club colours; in                   by 34 minutes, and Jenny Neal
        1991 the club was represented   Then there were cases of   at 3 hours 41 minutes (the fast-
        by 103 runners, 19 of whom   suffering due to the conditions,   est woman) managed a few fast
        broke the three hour mark. This   as noticed by our runners. Steve   miles and remarked that later on
        year the number of finishers was   Evenden was on pace for the   in the race with the heat appreci-
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