Page 33 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 33

Feature  33

        ating, she overtook several other   preparation and sensible attitude   administrators has given way
        championship runners. Steve   which is sadly missing in many   to new ones, and now many
        Evenden, despite earlier travails   other runners these days.  familiar faces in the Marathon’s
        was able to manage a sprint fin-                management have moved aside
        ish. Paul Kerkgyato in his first   Some years ago in 2011, Colin   to allow another generation to
        London Marathon come in in 3   Poole observed at a previous   come forward whose inheritance
        hours 33 minutes, and found the   London Marathon Supper   is to maintain the standards set
        experience ‘surreal’, so a number   that those Blackheath runners   by their forebears, and to take
        of experiences were surprisingly   completing the marathon were   the events, on into the future.
        positive.               to be commended for their
                                professional approach to it,   In time this generation will fill
        On the whole most of the   praising those who had trained   the space left by the past one
        Heatherns running had positive   properly for the event, hydrated   although they face challenges
        experiences of this ‘London’ be-  sufficiently, and had bothered   made by the very success of the
        cause they had firstly prepared   to pace themselves for its entire   event itself. The sheer size of the
        well for it, and secondly had   duration. “You’ve finished it   operation and numbers running
        the good sense to adapt their   because you’ve treated it with   in the event is testament to that
        expectations to the existing   respect and you’ve treated it   success, but it must face an in-
        circumstances on the day. Paul   correctly”. He further men-  flux of newcomers to marathon
        Kerekgyato could point to his   tioned a higher than usual drop   running, many of whom may
        achievements in the Bennet Cup   out rate due to exhaustion and   not have always actually paused
        which he had recently won and   dehydration from those who   to consider the whole meaning
        the training which allowed him   simply hadn’t read the advice   of commitment to training,
        to prevail over the heat, whilst   literature or treated the mara-  sound preparation, or taking the
        Dave Beadle mentioned the   thon seriously. One ‘Blackheath’   event seriously. For many of the
        helpful training and speed ses-  runner in last year’s race was
        sions of Dave Liston at Norman   clearly shocked by seeing some   more traditional class of runner
                                                        the decline availability of places
        Park as a key factor allowing   runners who were after only five
        runners to rise to the occasion.  miles unable to muster even a   for serious and committed
                                light jog.              runners is a serious matter and
        One aspect of good preparation                  it is no longer a race solely for
        was undoubtedly the capacity of   Colin for many years one of the   the clubmen and women, nor is
        runners to be able to pace them-  management team in the Help   there the same quality through-
        selves and if necessary to adapt   Desk is as much an authority as   out the field of participants as
        to conditions. Many runners did   many of the names associated   there was in the marathon’s ear-
        just that, one of whom had came   with the event from its founders   lier days. Mike Peel commenting
        into the marathon on the back   Chris Brasher and John Disley   on this in Athletics Weekly
        of only two weeks training. He   to Dave Bedford and Allan Sto-  expressed a view that there
        rather sensibly settled for a time   rey. Chris Brasher’s brainchild   were fewer quality or competent
        of 4h 35 minutes, and was con-  of the family of man and a race   runners and more dilettantes
        tent with that knowing he could   designed for true runners, espe-  running for charities on little or
        do better next time. A similar   cially the traditional harrier vari-  virtually no training.
        time was recorded by marathon   ety has seen many changes over
        vet John Turner, running sensi-  nearly forty years of its existence   Being a former marathon run-
        bly and at times with Peter Rog-  and has by improving its format   ner myself and one who tended
        ers who decided just to enjoy   over that period become one of   to do things by the book be it
        the day aware of the conditions.   the great sporting success stories   the Complete Runners Guide or
        Clearly all Blackheath Harriers   of modern times. A founding   Runners World, I would echo
        respected the marathon by good   generation of organisers and   such a sentiment since I feel that
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