Page 39 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 39

Club News  39

        that no security would be re-  be approved by way of special   Resolution 6.2. That the
        quired as the Charity Bank was   resolution of the members in   Directors be, and are hereby,
        set up to make loans to charities   general meeting. The advice   authorised to do the following
        that did not generally have   from the company lawyers,   in relation to the proposed
        assets to offer as security for   Muckle, was that the terms of   development and completion
        such loans. There would be no   the existing Articles have exact-  of a new Community Sports
        potential liability for members   ly the same effect  and Recreation Facility at
        of club members.        but the Director/Trustees want-  Norman Park, substantially in
        Chris Haines asked about plans   ed the wording to be absolutely   accordance with the plans and
        for encouraging cross country   clear on this point  designs presented to the meet-
        running and the arrangements   Once the Directors were satis-  ing, all documentation relating
        for that section when the club   fied that (i) adequate funding   to these matters to be in such
        moved to Norman Park. The   is available or committed to   form, including any conditions
        club has had meetings with the                  and undertakings, as the Direc-
        manager at the Warren who is   enable completion of the project   tors consider to be appropriate,
                                in accordance with the current
        very keen to accommodate the   budget (including the desig-  having taken such professional
        club for its fixtures at no direct              advice as they consider fit:
        cost and the Old Beccehamians,   nated contingency amount and   Resolution 6.2 (A). To enter
                                the amount of any VAT payable
        at Spring Park, will allow their                into (a) an agreement for lease
        facility to be used on Wednes-  on the construction); and, (ii)   and (b) a lease, each with the
        day evenings.           planning permission has been   London Borough of Bromley,
                                granted for the new facility. The
        In support of the move Julie   matter was put to the vote. The   for a period of 125 years in
        Asher-Smith noted that the   Resolution was approved 107   relation to the track and new
        Directors/Trustees of whom   in favour and 7 against. This   facility at Norman Park.
        she is one were very excited   included 50 proxies in favour   Resolution 6.2 (B). To sell the
        by the prospect of the future   and 4 proxies against. Resolu-
        development which will create   tions 6.2 A to 6.2F were then   Company’s land and clubhouse
        a sustainable future for the club   taken on a single vote with 109   at 56, Bourne Way to The
        and it needed the enthusiasm   in favour and 8 against. There   Construction Project Limited,
        and trust of the club members   were 49 proxies in favour and 5   or its nominee, for an amount
        as well if this crucial develop-  against.      not less than £1,750,000 and to
        ment was going to go ahead and                  apply the sale proceeds towards
        achieve all its potential. Paul   The resolutions put at the AGM   funding the new facility at
        Patten, one of the Director/  were as follows:  Norman Park.*
        Trustees, said that he had   Resolution 6.1. The wording of   Resolution 6.2 (C). To acquire
        consulted informally with the   Article 21.3 in the Company’s   Norman Park Track Man-
        young athletes, some of whom   Articles of Association should   agement Limited (‘NPTM’)
        he has helped to coach over the   be amended to read: “The   as a wholly-owned subsidiary
        past 17 years, and he has gath-  Trustees may not dispose of   and to delegate to NPTM
        ered signatures from 97 of the   any asset(s) of the Club, which   the day-to-day operation and
        young athletes in favour of the   has or have, as at the proposed   maintenance on behalf of the
        current proposals and the move   date of disposal, an aggregate   Company of both the track and
        to Norman Park.         market value which exceeds that   the new facility at Norman Park
        Ian Young introduced Reso-  defined in the Finance Policy,   (including the ability to employ
        lution 6.1 and said that it had   without obtaining the approval   and remove staff and enter
        been put forward to make it   by way of special resolution   into licences for use of parts of
        absolutely clear that a major   of the Members in general   the premises) and permit the
        disposal of property required to   meeting.” *  appointment to the Board of
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