Page 40 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 40

40                                                              Athletics Report

        NPTM of one or more ‘inde-  Harriers on         and sports massage.
        pendent’ directors.                             Alan Pickering, Chairman of
        Resolution 6.2 (D). To   the move!              the trustees, said “Sadly, good
        enter into such agreements as                   news stories are rare these
        may be necessary with The                       days. However, athletics in the
        Construction Project Limited   April 2018       London Borough of Bromley is
        and others for the construction                 a beacon of optimism. Not only
        and all related works (includ-  For more than 90 years Black-  did the Club have its best ever
        ing fit-out) required for the   heath & Bromley Harriers   year in 2017, the Norman Park
        completion of the new facility at   AC have operated from their   development will secure our piv-
        Norman Park, substantially in   headquarters in Bourne Way,   otal position in British Athletics
        accordance with the plans and   Hayes, but changes are afoot   and be at the heart of the local
        designs presented.      to move their base to Norman   community. Every family in the
                                Park to be closer to their train-
        Resolution 6.2 (E). To apply   ing track. At last month’s AGM,   local community will receive a
        such amounts from the Club’s   Club members overwhelmingly   warm welcome when they visit
        capital reserves, to enter into   voted in favour of developing a   the new home of Blackheath
        credit facilities or otherwise   new community sports centre   and Bromley Harriers AC.“
        agree to borrowings (such   adjacent to the athletics track   The planning application for the
        borrowings not to exceed   in Norman Park, Hayes Lane,   building has just been submitted
        £250,000) and to raise such   Bromley. The decision was   to Bromley Council Planning
        additional funding as may be   reached after years of investi-  Department by Architect, Za-
        required through the issue   gation and consultation with   reen Rahman of Zendium De-
        of debentures, in each case   interested parties.  sign and a successful outcome is
        towards funding the construc-                   hoped for this summer to enable
        tion and completion of the new   This is a big commitment for   work to commence by the Con-
        facility at Norman Park.  the club as it will mean selling   tractor, Paul Barthorpe of The
                                their existing freehold clubhouse
        Resolution 6.2 (F). To do such   and investing the sale proceeds   Construction Project Limited at
        other acts and things, including   and reserves as well as undertak-  the beginning of September.
        agreement to reasonable   ing major fundraising activities   “The new facilities at Norman
        amendments to the plans and   to raise sufficient funds to   Park will, when completed
        designs for the new facility to   enable them to complete the   provide an excellent, modern,
        meet planning and funding con-  project in time to celebrate the   indoor space for athletes to train
        ditions, the execution of such   Club’s 150th anniversary in   in during the winter months and
        other documents and the taking   2019.          in addition offer fantastic leisure
        out of such insurances, as the                  and fitness opportunities for the
        Directors shall consider neces-  Whilst ensuring the long   wider community.“ Said new
        sary or advisable in relation to   term future of athletics in the   Club President, Paul Byfield.
        the conduct and completion of   borough the club also aims to   The Club would be interested
        the project and the operation   provide a venue for other local   in talking to potential users and
        and maintenance of the track   community groups which run   funders of the centre.
        and new facility.       sports, leisure and fitness class-
                                es. The centre will provide ca-
                                tering, toilets, changing rooms,
                                a strength & conditioning suite
                                and a number of multi-purpose
                                rooms available for hire for
                                meeting or by medical practi-
                                tioners to provide physiotherapy
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