Page 34 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 34


        Mike Peel’s medals, ever present for the first three decades in the London Marathon.
        the days of the London Mara-  Having not run the race since   ered to be of more good natured
        thon being run by experienced   2001 my efforts have been   temperament than other sports
        sensible runners with adequate   mainly centred around the four   such as cycling. Now a small
        fitness and a fair understanding   day gathering known as regis-  but growing element are clearly
        of challenges seems to belong   tration in the days immediately   showing no sense of propriety,
        to a different age. It seems con-  leading up to the race itself. I’ve   or consideration, and displaying
        signed to the past by a variety   always considered in the past   an inflated degree of entitle-
        of factors such as the influx of   that registration has been a gen-  ment. If like me you found
        dilettantes, and by the tendency   erally enjoyable affair, signing in   yourself placed in the final
        of many people today to ignore   hosts of amiable, well mannered   desk on the conveyor belt, the
        the printed advice sent to them   and congenial people who are   goody bag distribution point,
        or not use their common-sense   with positive values, all keen   you might encounter a hoard of
        in matters of training and prepa-  to run and grateful for what   avaricious individuals, grabbing
                                                        the bags without waiting to
                                we did at registration. It could
        ration. They certainly don’t do   be a relaxed and pleasant time,   offered them, and then tossing
        things by the book! One encour-  manning the issue desks with   then aside when they saw what
        aging thing in dealing with this   your clubmates, not particularly   was in them,
        is that the marathon organisers   arduous work and plenty of time
        have for several years now been   to wander around the Expo and   At this point I wish to say that
        holding public sessions at the   take in the mounting atmo-  despite my consternation at
        Expo which include lectures and   sphere of excitement building   the way the London Marathon
        multi-media events which give   up to the marathon itself.  has changed in shape and
        guidance to participants on how                 character, this consideration is
        to ‘do’ the marathon properly.   Perhaps this in not something   not meant to be a criticism of
        Let’s hope that such attempts to   which was planned but the   the way it is now organised but
        educate the masses do not fall   atmosphere has subtly changed   really a lament for a time long
        on stony ground.        even though runners are consid-  past and a culture which seems
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