Page 41 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 41

Obituary  41
        Peter Long VP
        1927 – 2018

                                Kent Cricket and always took   as an Accountant in 1949 and
          Peter Long, who sadly died   delight in gathering as many   spent his working life there. He
          recently, was just short of his   of his friends as possible when   was promoted to the position of
          91st birthday. He had joined   Kent played for a week in Tun-  Registrar and after retirement
          the Club on 2nd April 1979 so   bridge Wells. Very happy days   he was called back to help them
          had been a member for 39 years.   spent with Peter, with excellent   out. His work at St Pauls was
          He became an excellent and   picnics and fine Ale.  highly regarded and he was
          diligent Club Treasurer when he               rewarded by an invitation to
          retired from his job at St Pauls   He enjoyed many aspects of   lunch with the Queen Mother
          Cathedral at the age of 65 and   Club life including Wednesday   just before he retired. He had a
          continued in that role for a quite   night runs with his friends, mob   son who lived in Zimbabwe and
          amazing 15 years. Dave White   matches, Club Dinners and oth-
          made him a Vice President   er social functions. He did long   Peter and wife Jean made sev-
          in 1996, a very well deserved   distance walks with other Club   eral trips there. Also jaunts to
          honour.               members and one particularly   Dubai, and again to spend time
                                memorable walk in 1991 being   with their family. His daughter
                                                        Janet was a Club member and
        At the AGM when Peter as-  the 100 mile Cotswold Walk   was one of Anne Cilia’s early
        sumed the position of Treasurer   with Derrick Brickwood, Len   team members in the newly
        he wore a Sports Jacket and   Dalmon and Ray Gibson. He   formed Ladies Vets Track team.
        someone suggested he looked   was part of the Club’s ‘Geriatric’   Janet always had a smile on her
        more like a bookmaker than   Sunday Times National Fun   face and Peter was often there
        a Club Treasurer. He never   Run team and he completed   to support her.
        again wore anything other than   one London Marathon, his
        a Blazer at the Club AGM!   time being 4.11.12. He loved   His decline in the past few years
        He greatly enjoyed a trip with   everything about Club life. He   was very sad to witness. He still
        our young ladies to one of the   briefly took up timekeeping and   came on a Wednesday morning
                                                        to join his friends for a jog/walk
        European Club Championships   could be seen at Club fixtures   and always wanted to shake ev-
        that they qualified for. He had   with his stopwatch. He also   eryone’s hand and had a snippet
        been managing the finances for   occasionally acted as a Marshall   of conversation prepared on
        these trips for some time. When   at home Cross Country fixtures.   something of mutual interest.
        Athletics’ Governing Body was   His 80th birthday party at the   Quite often this was about his
        in difficulties and the Club was   Clubhouse was a most enjoyable   favourite football team, Charl-
        owed a sizeable sum he attended   occasion shared with family   ton Athletic.
        a creditors’ meeting in Birming-  and friends. He greatly enjoyed
        ham to ensure that the Club’s   going to the Commonwealth   Peter was a lovely man with
        claim was not forgotten and the   Games when they were in   great warmth and intelligence
        Club was eventually paid.  Manchester with friends from   and an excellent but quiet sense
                                                        of humour. He is much missed
        He was a delightful man and   the Club. He was an excellent   and we send our deepest con-
        very good company and always   Clubman who had many friends   dolences to his wife Jean, their
        knowledgeable and good to   and admirers.       children Stephen and Janet,
        talk to on a variety of Sports.   National Service was done   their grandchildren and their
        Peter became a life member of   between 1946 and 1948 in the   great-grandchildren. It was a
        Kent County Cricket and spent   Army Pays Corps in Ghana.   privilege and a real pleasure to
        a lot of time at their ground in   Peter reckoned he spent most   have been his friend.
        Canterbury. He had an almost   of the time playing Cricket and
        encyclopedic knowledge of   Football! He joined St Pauls   Len Dalmon and Mike Martineau
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