Page 30 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 30

        The Parris Handicap Series 2018

                                The April race was won by Rob   holding his lead narrowly over
          The monthly handicap race   Brown followed over the next   Steve Evenden, Heath Griffin
          series started in 1993 when a   5 months by wins for Hugh   and father and son team Tom
          decision was made to hold a race   Haffenden, Anita Evenden,   and John Leeson. Steve gained
          in place of the usual Ted Pepper   Tom Leeson twice in June and   a narrow lead next over Rob
          10km which was cancelled from   August, and Maz Turner. The   with Tom moving into the top
          the early May bank holiday. A   fastest man over the course   three in July, but it was Tom’s
          replacement race was held instead   was Marco Arcuri in a time of   continued improved effort in
          on a Wednesday in the late sum-  17:24 and the fastest lady was   the fifth race which pushed him
          mer. It became in 1998 the Roy   Amy Peach in 19:35. The course   up to first place and in position
          Parris Memorial Handicap,   record remains at 15:13, which   to take the series with a six point
          club member and social runner   was set by Barry Stephenson in   lead over Steve.
          Roy Parris having died of cancer   June 2004.
          that year and in his memory the               In the last race the top places
          annual Parris Handicap was   At the end of the series the over-  were taken by outsiders, but
          then established.     all winner for 2018 was Tom   Tom managed another decent
                                Leeson who has been a regular   performance to stretch his lead
                                competitor in these events in   and win the Shield comfortably
        After there had been a few   recent years so very well done   by eight points over Steve who
        unofficial winners an official   to him.        deservedly clinched second
        trophy, the Parris Shield was                   place. Third on the podium
        presented to its inaugural win-  His performances steadily   was Heath Griffin who at nine
        ner Mark Ellison, and over the   improved over the course of the   years old attained an impressive
        years a succession of runners of   season with times ranging from   follow up to his second place
        varying abilities have claimed it   31:32 to 26:35. Interestingly   for last year. The pack of five
        after a series of six 5k races held   enough his net time improved in   remained well ahead of the rest
        in the months from April to   each race from one event to the   of the field in the final placings.
        September.              next over the six months of the
                                series. Apart from the first two   There were plenty of tight
        It is a testament to the success   races, his placings in the individ-  finishes and as with last year the
        of this race that in 1993 the   ual races were, always thereafter,   Leesons went head to head for
        maximum number of runners   in the top 4, including two wins   the finishing line. They were
        in any race was 19 whilst 34 dif-  and a third place.  separated by 3 seconds in June
        ferent runners took part in the                 and went even closer in August
        series. This year between 10 and   The early lead was taken up by   as Tom Leeson beat his dad
        24 runners turned out for each   Rob Brown who after winning   John (again) this time by only 1
        event and 48 different runners   the first race was comfortably   second. There was another very
        made at least one appearance   ahead of Steve Evenden after   tight finish in the April race
        during the summer with 4 of   two events with the eventual   when Rob Brown and George
        them completing all 6 races.   winter Tom Leeson some way   Collins were also separated by a
        We had several regular juniors   behind after an average start.   margin on 1 second.
        taking place and its always great   However his first of two wins
        to see them turning up putting   in June moved him up to join
        in creditable performances.  the leaders who now started to
                                dominate the rest of the series.
                                For the second half of it, a lead-
                                ing pack of five runners steadily
                                moved away from the rest of
                                the field, with Rob Brown still
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