Page 29 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 29

Athletics Report  29

        Match Three:            Match Four:             Match Five:
        23rd June 2018 – Norman   14th July 2018 – Colchester  18th August 2018 – Eton
        Park                    On to match 4 at sunny Col-  This drove us on to the last
        Smarting from the defeat we   chester. It was a slightly unusual   match at Eton hoping that we
        moved on to the third match   day where all of the blocks were   would be able to do enough
        back at Norman Park and   locked away and inaccessible…  to get the win and hoping that
        against three other members of   except for those being used by   Chelmsford would slip up.
        the British Athletics league – a   the home club! This was added   Once again, we put out a strong
        really tough ask. A lot of time   to by a call from the men’s mid-  team and worked hard to get
        was spent getting the athletes   dle distance squad who claimed   the win by one point. A series
        ready for this match and it really   to be on their way to Windsor!   of outstanding performances
        paid off when we finished first   Not wanting to be left out,   on the day including another
        again with a total of 233 points,   Carole thought it would be fun   great series of throws by James
        23 ahead of City of Norwich.  to join in who told me she was   Whiteaker in the javelin with
        There were many highlights at   on the train to the same place!   a winning throw of 75.27m
        the match, 11 A string wins,   A “slightly flustered” team   (enough for athlete of the match
        14 B string wins as well as   manager went back to check   this time!) and an outstanding
        winning all of the relays. This   all of his emails to understand   performance by Annie Davies
        included an amazing series of   how he could have made such a   in the 100mh to win athlete of
        throws in the javelin by James   catastrophic mistake to realise   the match. We had tried hard
        Whiteaker with a winning   he had been well and truly   to get Isabella to come along
        throw of 72.49m (not enough   “had”. The good thing is all of   to compete on her way to the
        to win athlete of the match!),   the athletes arrived.  airport as she left the UK to
        and female athlete of the match   This was an extremely tight   study in the US but Chris didn’t
        for Isabella Hilditch (again).   match where we came second   seem too keen on the idea!
        This was capped by an amazing   by a single point to Colchester   I would like to personally thank
        performance in the women’s 4 x   which effectively handed the   every single athlete, official and
        400 where a quartet of Krystal,   league to Chelmsford. We had   supporter who contributed to
        Rachel, Megan and Holly   15 A string and 17 B string   our success in this league – we
        smashed the club and league   wins on the day contributing   would not have achieved what
        records. A great way to cap an   to the highest second place   we did without you all!
        extremely competitive day of   points total all season and the
        athletics.              seventh highest points total in       Nick Swatton
                                all division one matches but
                                not quite enough to win on the
                                day. The team manager walked
                                away from the match reflecting
                                on the one or two places where
                                we might have eked out an
                                additional point but realising
                                there was nothing that could be
                                done about it.
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