Page 28 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 28

        The Southern Athletics League 2018
        A season of outstanding success

                                Our final league position was   Match Two:
          As we embark on the 2019   second in our division finish-  20th May 2018 – Battersea
          track and field season I wanted   ing one league point behind   A month later we headed to
          to share some reflections on our   Chelmsford although with more   Battersea Park which somewhat
          performance in the Southern   league points. All in all this was   bizarrely was the home match
          Athletics League in 2018. The   an outstanding performance   for Chelmsford Athletics club.
          SAL team comprises male and   from the team as a whole, more   This was out most difficult
          female athletes with anyone in   of which later!  match of the season as we were
          the U17 age category and above   For those of you who weren’t   impacted by a combination of
          being eligible to compete. We are   aware, I took over the running   exams on some of the younger
          in division one which covers the   of the teams from John Wake-  athletes and other events which
          whole of the south of England   man and Mark Purser who had   depleted the team. Despite this
          which sits about two division   set a high bar by finishing sec-  we still managed to finish the
          two leagues (east & west) and   ond the previous year. With this   match in second place 13 point
          three division threes(north, east   in mind we went into the first   behind the eventual league
          and west)             match with some trepidation   winners and 19 points ahead of
                                and an eye on the extremely   Belgrave Harriers with 10 A and
                                high bar they had set.  B string wins over the course of
                                                        the day.
                                Match One:              Highlight of the match was
                                18th April 2018 – Norman   Caelan Raju beating Will Shar-
                                Park                    man over the 110mh (Caelan’s
                                We started with a home match   first time at the event)!
                                and had a terrific turnout,
                                ending up winning the match
                                with a massive 253 points which
                                left us 52 points ahead of 2nd
                                place Crawley. A great way to
                                start the season with terrific
                                performance across both the
                                track and field where we won 18
                                of the A string events and 20 of
                                the B string events as well as all
                                of the relays.
                                Special shout out has to go
                                to Isabella Hilditch who won
                                female athlete of the match for
                                her outstanding performance in
                                the 100mh.
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