Page 28 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 28

28                                                              Athletics Report
        The Parris Handicap Series

                                At the end of a great series   John, but otherwise most wins
          The monthly handicap race   of events the overall winner   were achieved by comfortable
          series started in 1993. It was   for 2017 was Neil Ives whose   margins.
          renamed in 1998 after Roy   performances steadily improved   The event generated about £500
          Parris who sadly died after a   over the course of the season   profit and all the proceeds were
          heroic fight against cancer. This   with times ranging from 29.47   donated to The House and
          event is an apt tribute to Roy.  to 22.56     Social Committee to be used for
                                Ironically it was his slowest time   the benefit of us all.
          The event is a series of 5km   that gained him that win in the   One of the big highlights of
          handicap races, which take place   individual race in April, whilst   the 2017 series were the BBQs
          every month between April and   the fastest time allowed him   that Deniz Mehmet and Gareth
          September.            to secure the overall victory of   Griffin arranged for every
          James Ingram won the very first   winning the series. Moreover   Wednesday night of The Parris
                                his placings in the individual
          race in a time of 18:45 and   races were always in the top 8,   Handicap. These BBQs proved
          Graham Fee was the overall   including a win and a second   to be enormously successful and
          winner for that year.  place.                 attracted not only the runners
                                                        but also non-runners and guests
                                In fact due to such an impres-  alike. The BBQ numbers in-
        It is a testament to the success   sive early showing Neil Ives was   crease every time we hold them
        of this race that in 1993 the   ahead of the field throughout   which indicates how popular
        maximum number of runners   the season, retaining first place   they are with everyone. and our
        in any race was 19 whilst 34 dif-  going into the last event in   bar profits increase considerably
        ferent runners took part in the   September. At one stage he   on these nights! When Concern
        series. This year between 20 and   held a commanding lead of 13   is being expressed about
        30 runners turned out for the   points over the second placed   the declining attendance on
        events and 51 different runners   competitor, who this season was   Wednesday evenings, the BBQs
        made at least one appearance   Paul Kerekgyarto who in his   provide a welcome boost of
        during the 2017 series with 6   second season turned in an im-  popularity and numbers in what
        of them completing all 6 races.   pressive series of performances   should be the focal point of the
        We had several regular juniors   mostly under 20 minutes. In   club’s week.
        taking place and its always great   July he reduced the lead to only   These events could not take
        to see them turning up putting   six points but then a spirited   place without volunteers so
        in creditable performances.   challenge from Heath Griffin   many thanks to our Time Keep-
        The April race was won by Neil   further reduced the lead to 2   ers Mike and Terri, Recorders
        Ives followed over the next   points, making the competition   Steve Hollingdale, Denise King
        5 months by wins for Scott   open, but Neil’s best perfor-  and Peter Lovell and of course
        Bulmer, Marc Knowles, Tom   mance in terms of time allowed   my wonderful wife Sheila who
        Leeson, Graham Hollingdale   him to pull away again and take   takes the entries and helps
        and David Leal. The fastest   the series by a comfortable 10   calculate the winners at the end
        man over the course was Ross   points.          of the evening.
        Braden in a time of 16:37 and   Second, was Heath Griffin a   The first race of the 2018 series
        the fastest lady was Chloe   remarkable performance for one   will be on Wednesday 11th
        Haffenden in 19:50. The course   who is only eight years old, and   April at 7.15pm.
        record remains at 15:13, which   Dave Leal who was joint third
        was set by Barry Stephenson in   last year gained another thirds
        June 2004.              place, this time outright.          Richard Griffin
                                The tightest finish came in
                                the July event when 7 seconds
                                separated Father and Son,
                                as Tom Leeson beat his dad
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