Page 25 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 25
Athletics Report 25
Matt Smith back on the road half meter improvement and a on training over the winter,
to recovery lined up for the B fine bronze in the A string. Ol- next year we will be another
string hurdles having missed a iver had a great opportunity to great position to compete to be
good chunk of training and de- make up for his disappointment the the best junior club in the
spite a shaky start finished well in the hurdles and didn’t waste country. Well done all.
securing more valuable points the opportunity leaping to gold We wouldn’t have been able to
for the club. in the B string with a 4.47 jump. achieved as much as we have
Connor Sutton began his busy Ben Campbell and George without the great support we’ve
day breaking the 26 sec barrier Shaw had waited patiently all had from BB club officials,
again but just losing out on gold day for their opportunity to coaches, team managers, par-
by the narrowest of margins shine and they both did with ents, grandparents, families and
5/100ths. Tom Afelumo ran the Ben digging deep to run a best friends and a special thank you
B string for his first compet- ever 4:53.81 a big new PB. goes to Marco for all the time,
itive 200m and our faith in George ran a well paced race care and effort he has put into
what we had seen him do in keeping in touch throughout the LAG teams over the last
training paid off as he stormed and had the determination to three years. Marco in his role as
to victory also going under 26 pip his rival on the line and winter captain fully embraced
seconds, winning gold by nearly was rewarded with gold in the the task of mentoring out young
2 seconds. B string and a huge new best athletes through the highs and
Ben Platt was back in action smashing the 5 minute barrier lows of our sport and has been
again in the javelin and was re- for the first time clocking (and still is) a fantastic role
warded for his effort in training 4:56.60. model for our young athletes
with a big new PB of 33.87. Josh Last event of the day for the and he will be massively missed
Buddle Smith has also been U13 boys was the 4 x 100m as he embarks upon his univer-
javelin training regularly and his relay and with Connor and Tom sity pathway. We hope to see
improvement of over 1m earned in great form and joined by Marco during terms breaks but
him a great silver medal in the Ethan fresh from the high jump wish him all the very best for
B string. and multi talented Oliver, surely his time at Durham University.
Next up on the track were all they had to do was to get the This weekend’s travel and hotel
the 800m boys and regular baton around safely to secure a accommodation was solely
team members Max Gregson win. This is exactly what they organised by John Reardon and
and Jake Anthony once again did and in a superb season best he had the difficult task of coor-
showed their class both running time of 52.39. The relays are al- dinating 8 teams requests along
hard and winning fabulous ways exciting, risky and are on a with coaches, team managers
silver medals. knife edge as the U13 boys from and parents requests. Thank
The sprinters were back on Sale proved after being disquali- you John.
fied for an infringement.
the track and both Connor Paul Austridge
and Tom dominated the 100m A fantastic 16 medals won in
taking full honours winning total, three golds and a silver
gold with Tom posting a quick for Tom, two golds, silver and
new PB. bronze for Connor, two golds
With little time to recover and silver for Oliver gold for
Ethan, gold for George, and
Oliver and Connor were back slivers for Max, Jake and Josh.
out competing in the long jump. Plus loads of personal bests
Connor on somewhat of a high and season’s bests all helped
soared out to a fantastic new contribute to a tremendous
personal best of 4.68m nearly team result and if we all keep