Page 29 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 29

Obituary  29
        Hanna Cordell

                                Hanna was the club secretary   “Often they would provide a
          It is with much regret that I   for Blackheath and Bromley   dry and welcome shelter on
          have to report that the very   Harriers AC for many years and   match days. For one event at
          popular Hanna Cordell has   has also been a team manager   Parliament Hill Hannah and
          passed away recently after   for the many BBHAC track and   David got to the course early,
          battling illness, having given her   field teams, a regular time-  erected the tent, provided a
          life for and so much to the sport   keeper and a track judge, and   few chairs ,collected the race
          of athletics.         brought her strong organisa-  chips and numbers to hand out
                                tional skills with her every time   and later on dismantled the
                                to the events she would attend.   tent and got it back to the club
                                Prior to that Hanna had held a   house where it was cleaned and
                                series of management positions   repacked ready for the next
                                with Bromley Ladies. With   meeting. On another occasion
                                husband Dave to who she was   On Parliament Hill the day
                                married to for 49 years, Hanna   started early for Hanna and
                                met many new friends from the   Dave and after surveying the
                                world of travelling officials who   site found the perfect lofty spot
                                went on to become good friends   to position the club tent, afford-
                                from many different clubs.  ing spectacular views over the
                                Hanna (nee Grundlehner) was   London skyline and relatively
                                born in Arbon in Switzerland   dry under foot.
                                in April 1946 and met Dave   “At the Kent Championships
                                when she was a student staying   Hanna and Dave arrived at
                                in London with Dave’s parents,   Hythe at 8am in the morning,
                                never returning home in the   set up the tent in heavy rain
        The late Hanna Cordell.  1970s. Although not a serious   (not an easy task), Dave spent
                                athlete herself, Hanna did run   the day officiating the races and
                                events like the 7 Sisters, and   Hanna spent the day handing
                                10km and half marathons, but   out 10 sets of team numbers
                                her true love was officiating in   and pins and generally taking
                                the many capacities whether it   charge in the tent. Once all
                                be track and field, cross country   the races were complete they
                                or road events. Always up early   then dismantle the now sodden
                                on competition day, Hanna   and muddy tent, fold away
                                would accompany Dave to   and transport back to the club
                                wherever they were going to be   house, where they get it all out
                                ready to pitch the club tent in a   once again and hang it up to
                                favourable location to provide   dry. They have a very full, long
                                much needed shelter and a base   day and we genuinely could not
                                for the club athletes who would   do without the Cordells.
                                turn up later in the day as the
                                following tributes have testified
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