Page 31 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 31

Obituary  31
        Alan Brent
        18/11/1918 to 1/6/2017

                                regularly for Kent in the Inter   He was President of the South
          When Sydney Wooderson was   Counties and did very well   of Thames Cross Country Asso-
          alive it was very fair to say   on the Road in events like the   ciation in 1966. Also President
          that he was the ‘Greatest living   News of the World London   of the Southern Counties Cross
          ‘Heathen’. When Sydney died at   to Brighton which became the   Country Association, Kent
          the end of 2006 that title quite   National 12 stage. He had been   County Athletics in 1979, and
          rightfully passed to Alan Brent.  known to win Club events by   the English Cross Country
                                5 minutes and famously in the   Union or ECCU (now ECCA)
                                Club ‘B’ team with Braughton   in 1989. He was presented with
        Alan joined Blackheath Harriers   and Scotting “gleefully de-  the Queens Jubilee Medal in
        on 4th March 1946 at the age of   feated” the ‘A’ team Club road   1977 and was recognized by
        27. He has died at age 98 after   specialists in the 1952 Mitcham   Bromley Sports Council with an
        71 years of extremely distin-  15. He later made his mark with   award in 1989 recognising his
        guished service to his Club and   other “geriatrics” in the Sunday   service to Sport in the Borough.
        to Athletics. His wife, Brenda,   Times Fun Runs. ‘Fun’ seeming   More recently he won a presti-
        had died at age 96 less than 4   a misnomer as the Club History   gious London Sports award for
        months previously. Her support   records that these events were   his outstanding contribution to
        of Alan and her service to the   fiercely competitive.  Athletics over so many years.
        Club had also been legendary.  The Club History records that   He reckoned he had been to 50
        Alan joined as an Athlete   what was “more impressive   consecutive Nationals and it
        shortly after the War so it   than his consistent running   was ironic that the first two he
        is probably best to start by   was his continued industry   missed were in 1994 and 1995
        giving a brief summary of his   for the Club”. He created “an   when the Club won the team
        career as a runner. He ran in   impression of integrity, under-  title. He also missed seeing the
        the Blackheath team in 20   standing and dedication not   under 17s win the team title in
        consecutive Southern Cross   readily matched”. He was Club   Havant in 1997.
        Country Championships and   President in 1966/7 leading   He attended every day of
        in 20 consecutive National   an administration including
        Cross Country Championships   Tony Hayday, Geoff Last, Bob   Athletics at the 1948 London
                                                        Olympics and could point out
        (1946/7 to 1965/6, so 47 years   Taylor, Alan Ball, Brian Stone,
        of age on his last appearances).   Bob Richardson, Norman Page,   on photos exactly where he and
                                                        Brenda sat. He was asked once
        He was in the scoring 6 on 18   Jim Day and Peter Baigent.
        times in the National and 16   Alan was for 5 years the Club’s   to point out Jack Braughton
                                                        in the 1948 Olympic Men’s
        times in the Southern. Just 3   Cross Country Captain. For
        team medals though, bronze in   11 years he did penance for his   Athletics team photo. “Jack
        the 1948 National (the race be-  win in the 1946 Closing 5 by   wasn’t in the photo”, he said,
        ing won by Sydney Wooderson)   being George Brooks’ Assistant   “he couldn’t get time off from
                                                        work”. He served with Jack on
        and silver and bronze in the   Handicapper.
        1948 and 1950 Southerns. His                    the Board for Norman Park
                                                        Track Management until they
        best National saw him finish
        in 32nd place and he managed                    were both in their 90s and Alan
                                                        was a regular at Club Track
        15th in the Southern. His first
        Club win was in the 1946 ‘Clos-                 events where he took responsi-
        ing 5’ where a far too generous                 bility for all the field equipment.
        allowance of 5 minutes was                      Meanwhile, wife Brenda worked
                                                        in the Track café with Anne
        given to him. Newcomer having
        it over on the handicapper!                     Cilia’s Mum, Vi Stenning, and
                                                        Ken Johnson’s wife Hilary
        It has ever been thus! He ran
                                                        serving tea and wonderful cake
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