Page 32 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 32

32                                                                  Obituary

        baked by Brenda. You felt quite   As they both became house-  Wilson swimming race. The
        deprived if you found that they   bound they were delighted   Blackheath Harriers Social Club
        had sold out and you hadn’t had   to receive visits from Club   was formed in 1973 and this was
        a piece.                members and these were   chaired by Brenda. Ladies com-
        Club committee meetings with   always happy occasions. The   peted in their table tennis team
        Alan in attendance were quite a   owner of the garage around   using the Blackheath Harriers
        lesson. He was never rattled and   the corner from whom they   name. With barn dances, raf-
        never lost his rag. His contri-  bought all their cars visited one   fles, jumble sales and tombolas
        butions were always measured,   day bringing lots of photos. He   the Social Club, including the
        thoughtful and intelligent. A   had been one of Alan’s pupils   likes of Maggie Haines, raised
        great man with great knowledge   and had been away on a School   an awful lot of money that
        and great judgement.    trip abroad with both Alan   enabled much needed work to
        20 or so years ago, Club Din-  and Brenda. When Graham   be done in the Clubhouse and
                                                        at the Track. Brenda’s reward
                                Botley made his farewell tour,
        ners were more frequent and he   one of his demands was to be   was being made an Honorary
        and Brenda sat with others of   taken to visit Alan and Brenda.   Life Member and later a Vice
        their age group. Brenda ran the   Another very special and happy   President.
        raffles bringing her ‘old bag’   occasion. On one occasion Alan
        which was eventually replaced   was asked whether he would be   They both gave great encour-
        by a ‘new old bag’. At one of   going to the Club photo shoot.   agement to Youth and the Club
        these dinners he was ambushed   He hadn’t realized it was taking   History records that “many can
        so we could properly celebrate   place. Denis Lawrie and Steve   testify to their encouragement
        his 80th birthday. Peter Lovell   Hollingdale did the honours so   of youth, not only officially
        provided some fine artwork   Alan featured in the 2012 Club   or on coaching courses, but
        and Alan, giving an impromptu   photo.          morally and always cheerfully”.
        speech, gave younger mem-                       He was a very special man, they
        bers the benefit of his advice:   When he could no longer run,   were a very special couple. Not
        “retire early and hammer the   he swam. Often with PP Vic   sure we will ever see the likes of
        pension fund”! His 90th was a   Beardon. Just a couple of days   them again!
        very special Club occasion with   after his 80th, Alan celebrated
        a full house greatly enjoying   by competing in the Maryon   Mike Martineau
        some fabulous tributes to a very
        special man. Brenda also made
        it upstairs for the first time in
        years. The ECCA President was
        there and Alan was showered
        with gifts and praise. Mike Peel
        took a brilliant photo of Alan
        and Brenda, printed it, framed
        it and presented it to them that
        very same evening. It was a
        proud possession in their home.

                                The ‘Middle Distance Engine Room’ – Niamh Bridson-Hubbard and
                                Jess Keene (see report Back in Brno page 18).
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