Page 23 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 23

Athletics Report  23

        Saturday 15th July we are in a   from a foot injury again scoring   2:20 barrier for the first time
        very strong position to qualify   good points in the shot put.   clocking 2:19.68. Equally im-
        for the National final.  Josh Buddle Smith put his   pressive was Jake Anthony as he
        There were many fine perfor-  recent training to good practice   flew off from the gun leaving
        mances throughout the day   placing 4th in the javelin just   the field in his wake and cross-
        from our U13 and U15 boys and   short of his best.  ing the line 5 seconds up from
        girls but the highlight must be   Next up were the sprinters   2nd place and getting a new PB
        the club record breaking quartet   and Connor Sutton tore apart   for his efforts.
        of the U15 girls 4 x 300m relay   the opposition winning the   Over at the long jump Oliver
        team. A fabulous collective ef-  200m by over 1.5 seconds and   Robertson and Connor Sutton
        fort from Zakia Mossi, Shakan-  recording a huge new personal   finished 2nd and 3rd respec-
        ya Osahon, Daniella Harper   best of 25.82, that now places   tively despite being slightly
        and Holly Mpassy rounded off a   him well inside the top 10 in the   down on their best but both had
        fine days athletics setting a new   country. Young Ethan Alapafu-
        best time of 2:51.13.   ja continues to impress despite   already excelled in two previous
                                being a year young, running   events each.
        UKYDL LAG Norman Park:   well and aggressively in the B   Back to the track and the
        15/07/17                string 200m. Connor continued   1500m and a great run from
                                his great form winning the
        We saved the best to last,   100m with a another big new   Bren Campbell breaking 5
        comfortably winning our final   PB while in the B string new   minutes once again securing 4th
        UKYDL fixture. The scene was   boy Tom Afelumo was making   in the A string and Jamie Sears
        set early with club tent, beer   his mark with a fantastic debut   sporting a rather large plaster
        tent and BBQ all in place ready   performance, winning in a fast   on his thigh ran determinedly
        for the day’s action and our   12.67 and jumping straight   placing a fine 2nd in the B
        young athletes weren’t to dis-  into the top 20 in the national   string and topping it with a
        appoint. With over 40 personal   rankings.      great new PB.
        bests, two new club records,                    Last event of the day for the
        club debuts and great team   Oliver Robertson again cleared   U13 boys was the 4 x 100m re-
        spirit our U13 and U15 boys   1.40 in the high jump to secure   lay and debutant Tom Afelumo
        and girls did the club proud   3rd in the A string and Jamie   speed off on leg 1 handing to
        securing a place in September’s   Sears showing great clubman   Oliver down the back straight
        National final.         ship stepped up to fill the B   then to Jack Horn on the top
                                string slot not only making his
        The U13 boy’s day began with   field debut but also his high   bend leaving Connor Sutton
        Oliver Robertson showing   jump debut. Jamie’s efforts   to bring the team home in 1st
        great determination in winning   earned him 3rd place in the   having run a seasons best time.
        a fast 75m hurdle race and as   B string and a nasty cut on
        impressively, Emmanuel Oni-  his thigh from his own spike,   A fantastic collective effort
        winde placing second in the B   proving that track and field can   from the U13 boys but both our
        string hurdles having only ever   be dangerous!  U15 boys and girls 4 x 300m re-
        hurdled in training the week   It was a double win in the 800m   lay teams smashed club records
        before. Emmanuel also had a   as ever improving Max Gregson   in winning both their relays.
        good run out over 100m as did   ran the perfect race beating his   Blackheath won five of the six
        Jack Horn in what turned out to   Bracknell AC rival who was   relays events at the end of the
        be a good warm up for the relay.  hoping to make it 4 wins in 4!   day rounding off a superb vic-
        Ben Platt was just short of his   However, Max had other plans   tory that now sees up travelling
        best in the shot and javelin but   as he tracked his opponent for   up to Birmingham for the final
        scored many valuable points for   400m before pressing at the bell   on Saturday 2nd September
        the club in the process. Great   then finally opening up with   2017.
        to have Matt Smith back in the   200m to go creating a sizeable
        team despite still recovering   3.5 sec gap and breaking the   Paul Austridge
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