Page 30 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 30

30                                                                  Obituary

        “At Mansfield Dave and Hanna   Hanna will be a tough act to   Living close to BBHAC in the
        were first up for breakfast and   follow as Club Secretary and   Bromley, Kent, area for the
        were already en route to set up   also Trophy Secretary as the   past 20 years, Hanna leaves
        our tent before many were even   club has many trophies which   behind her husband Dave, two
        awake. Many thanks once again   have all been photographed and   children Alice and Tom and
        go to Hanna and Dave who   catalogued by Hanna.  two grandchildren Shannon and
        work tirelessly to set up our   Although she initially refused   Joe. Hanna. More importantly
        base at all our athletic events.   the honour of being created   it is known that Hanna made
        It was a great sight seeing our   a vice president because she   tea in bed for Dave everyday of
        huge black tent flanked by   believed that she had not done   their married life, not sure what
        BBHAC banners on arrival and   enough to deserve it she was   happens now !
        in a prime location at the front   finally persuaded to accept   Hanna never expected thanks
        of a very busy team tent area.   the rank from President Steve   or praise for her efforts and was
        Many a weekend was a great   Hollingdale in 2013, although   always seen at the club events
        success in no small way to Han-  he admitted that the task of   throughout the year, quietly
        nah’s great organisational skills   persuading her had been an   going about her job. Hanna’s
        and her culinary abilities. Like   extremely difficult one. When   life was devoted to our much
        her husband she performed   husband Dave came to the   loved sport and is a great loss to
        sterling duties driving athletes   Presidency in 2015 she took on   her family, her friends, BBHAC
        in blizzard conditions to events   another role, that of consort   and the sport of athletics.
        as far afield as Sunderland.  and accompanied her husband
        Due to family commitments   everywhere in that year. It     Wendall Cooper
        she was only able to follow   produced a unique partnership
        the progress of the club from   of President and Club Secretary,
        afar for several years. Then in   although a similar partnership
        2006 she and husband Dave   had been seen with the Bald-
        renewed their interest when a   wins some years earlier.
        grand daughter joined the Bees
        Academy. Hannah took over
        the office of Honorary Secre-
        tary in 2010 followed by Trophy
        Secretary when the previous
        holder called it a day. For the
        next six years she ensured that
        all club committee meetings
        ran smoothly and that minutes
        of previous meetings were cir-
        culated to the committee ahead
        of meetings, and was a solid
        presence at a number of AGMs,
        her administrative skills having
        been honed for many years
        working as the head receptionist
        at a local GPs surgery.
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