Page 33 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 33

Club News  33
        The Club Integration

                                This incorporation of the   positions on the Management
          At the AGM on 18th March   club does not affect the terms   Committee are exactly the same
          2017, club members voted to in-  of membership, disciplinary   as they were on the Executive
          tegrate the activities of the Club   procedures etc. The Manage-  Committee. These positions
          with those of BHHQ Ltd which   ment Committee has the same   are Chair, Club President,
          changed its name to Bromley &   officers on it as the Executive   Immediate Past President,
          Blackheath Harriers AC.  Committee used to have so   Hon. Secretary, Hon Treasurer,
                                from a day to day operational   Membership Secretary, Head of
                                point of view it is business as   Active Athletics, Head of Track
        This is a company limited by   usual.           & Field, Head of Cross Country
        guarantee rather than with                      & Road Running, the Chairs of
        shareholders. Each “full” club   The Board of Directors/  the other sub committees (i.e.
        member over 20 years old is a   Trustees        Finance, Development, Com-
        member of the company and                       munications, House & Social)
        individually liable for up to £1   As with all companies, the club   and up to 3 ordinary club mem-
                                is headed by a board of direc-
        in the event of the club becom-                 bers. With the exception of the
        ing insolvent. Apart from this   tors, who are accountable for   President and Immediate Past
                                long term strategy, custodian of
        members are protected by the                    President, these positions are
        limited liability nature of the   the company’s assets (primarily   elected each year at the AGM.
                                the clubhouse) and assuring we
        company                 retain our status as a Commu-  The new directors of Black-
        This process of integration in-  nity Amateur Sports Club with   heath & Bromley Harriers AC
        volved adopting new company   the Charities Commission and   are Alan Pickering, Paul Patten,
        Articles of Association and   HMRC. As also agreed on 18th   Ian Young, Tim Soutar, Chris
        revising the format of the Club   March 2017, they will apply to   Hilditch, John Baldwin (Chair
        Rules, supplemented by Terms   the Charities Commission and   of the Management Commit-
        of Reference for the Club Man-  HMRC for full charitable status.   tee) and David Appleton (Club
        agement Committee (previously                   Treasurer). A full list of officers
        the Executive Committee) and   The Management Committee  for the year 2016/17 is displayed
        a Finance Policy. Together these   This is accountable to the   on the back inside page of this
        cover all the elements that were   board of directors for the day   issue.
        previo   usly in the Consti-  to day running of the club, as it
        tution. They also provide more   was previously as the Execu-  David Appleton
        constraints on both the compa-  tive Committee. Indeed the
        ny directors and the Manage-
        ment Committee in terms of
        disposing of club assets and
        other financial matters. This
        will allow the Club to apply to
        be a full charity, with additional
        tax advantages over its existing
        Community Amateur Sports
        Club status.

                                The Junior women squad winners of the National Title at Birmingham
                                (see report YDLfinal page 16).
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