Page 24 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 24


        UKYDL National Finals Birmingham

        September 2017

                                BHAC LAG team qualified   most people’s throat.
          Blackheath and Bromley   for their final as South region   The U13 boys as ever were a
          Harriers Athletics Club are   runners up to Southampton   tight bunch and supported each
          officially the best young athletes   AC and were also up against   other well through the ups and
          track and field team in Great   the Scottish champions and last   downs of a National final. Be-
          Britain having competed in   years runners up Edinburgh   ing multi talented Oles Chaban
          both lower and upper finals in   AC, along with the other best   and Emmanuel Oniwinde were
          Birmingham over the weekend.  club teams from across Great   on hand all day warmed up and
          BBBHAC were the only club   Britain. The competition was   ready to go at short notice if
          to have teams in both finals   fierce and four teams crept   needed in any event. They shad-
          and while our LAG (lower age   ahead with Southampton lead-  owed the boys during warm
          group) U13 and U15 boys and   ing early on followed by North   up and Oles even provided
          girls placed a fantastic second in   region champions Sale Harriers,
          their final, the UAG (upper age   BBHAC and Edinburgh. As the   replacement spikes when one of
          group) went one better winning   afternoon progressed BBHAC   the boys realised that most of
          their final, securing a place in   and Sale pulled level in front   his had fallen out!!
          the European final, completing   with Southampton dropping   First out on the field were
          a historic weekend for the club.   back to 3rd. With the final few   Oliver Robertson and Ethan
          The UAG girls were current   events being contested and no   Alapafuja in the high jump.
                                one club dominating the result
          champions and excelled once   was going to be tight.   Ethan, in only his third high
          again to retain the title but the             jump competition ever jumped
          UAG boys were outstanding   A tense wait for the final results   well equalling his personal best
          and went one better than last   saw Edinburgh AC 4th with   as did Oliver before dashing off
          year to grab the title for them-  536 points, Southampton in   for the start of the hurdles. Oli-
          selves and in doing so earning   3rd with 594.5 points, BBHAC   ver is ranked 4th in the country
          the right to represent Great Brit-  second with 599 points and Sale   over 75m hurdles and was all
          ain in the European Champions   1st with 602 points proving   fired up for his race but un-
          Clubs Cup Final in 2018 along   what an exciting and tense com-  fortunately hit the first hurdle
          side our girls. Britain has never   petition it had been. Just 71/2   moving at pace and stumbled
          had just one club representing   points separated the top three   losing a bit of ground, recovered
          them in both boys and girls   teams and only three points   well but was disappointed to
          and this represents a massive   between BBHAC and Sale. A   just miss out on the medals.
          achievement.          truly memorable final.  Undeterred Oliver ran back
                                There were many outstand-  to the high jump competition
                                ing moment including Holly   where the bar had risen con-
                                Mpassy’s impressive 300m
                                race, earning her the “Norma   siderably and was now at a new
                                Blaine MBE Award” for the   PB height. Oliver had two great
                                most outstanding performance   attempts at it but had to settle
                                of the day and Lily Meers had   for an equal PB and silver, still
                                the stadium on their feet as   impressive in the circumstances.
                                she showed so much guts and   In the shot putt Ben Platt just
                                determination in holding off   missed out on a medal with
                                her rival for most of her 1200m,   his 7.12m throw. Sprinter Tom
                                with the last 100m being the   Afelumo made his field event
                                most exciting end of the race,   debut putting the shot over 8m
                                that saw Lily win by the smallest   to win his first medal of the day,
                                of margins. It brought a lump to   a silver.
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