Page 27 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 27

Athletics Report  27

        Kent Track Relays 2017  heat to qualify. Our C team of   style. The B team were equally
        The Kent track relays were   Sam Stuart, Ben Campbell,   impressive winning a fine team
        the last team event of the 2017   Josh Buddle Smith and Jamie   silver, led out by Jamie Sears
        summer season and with them   Sears just missed on making   followed by George Shaw and
        being held at our home track   the final.       then on last leg Oles Chaban.
        at Norman Park, we took full   In the 4 x 200m both the A and   The C team ran a strong race
        advantage.              B team ran well enough to make   and did well finishing a credit-
        Of the 24 finals BBHAC ath-  the final and again Ethan, Tom,   able 7th with Sam Stuart taking
                                                        leg 1 passing to debutant Arthur
        letes contested, our teams won   Oliver and Connor held off a   Starvis, who ran positively on
        18 gold, 7 silver, 3 bronze and   very strong Bexley challenge   this first run for the club, leav-
        were 4th in another 10. This   and were deserving winners   ing Josh Buddle Smith to bring
        represents a fantastic achieve-  crossing the line in a fast 1:49.9   the team home on leg 3.
        ment and clearly shows that   just 0.6 sec ahead of Bexley.
        BBHAC are not only strong   The B team of George, Ben,   A fantastic day for BBHAC
        but that we have great strength   Oles and Emmanuel closed in   teams and also individually as
        in depth right through the age   7th but combined well to make   Oliver Robertson won three
        groups.                 the final.              Kent golds, Ethan, Tom and
        The U13 boys had great num-  In the 3 x 800m BBHAC U13   Connor all won two Kent golds
                                                        and Ben Campbell and Max
        bers out competing and we able   boys were able to field A, B   Robertson both won gold, while
        to enter three teams in both the   and C teams and the A team   Jamie Sears, George Shaw and
        4 x 100m and 3 x 800m and two   stormed to victory led out by   Oles Chaban all won Kent silver
        teams in the 4 x 200m. Black-  Ben Campbell passing to Oliver   medals.
        heath and Bromley U13 boys   Robertson who handed to
        proved they are the strongest   Max Gregson to finish off in   Paul Austridge
        in Kent winning all three relays
        and also picking up a silver in
        the 3 x 800m.
        In the 4 x 100m the quartet of
        Ethan Alapafuja, Tom Afelumo,
        Oliver Robertson and Connor
        Sutton qualified for the final
        comfortably winning their heat
        in their second fastest time of
        the year. The final wasn’t going
        to be as straight forward as
        they were up against a strong
        Bexley team, but our boys got
        the baton around slickly with
        great change overs and powered
        across the line in a best time for
        the season, just 0.3 sec ahead of
        Bexley, who also ran a seasons
        best. The B team of George
        Shaw, Ben Platt, Oles Chaban
        and Emmanuel Oniwinde com-
        bined well to finish 7th in the
        final having come third in their   Holly Mills being a long jump star (see report YDLfinal page 16).
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