Page 22 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 22


        Max Gregson continues to   sun during a tough high jump   The 800m were up next and
        improve and will delighted with   competition and both did well   Max Gregson continued his
        smashing the 5 minute barrier   securing 3rd spots. Oliver’s day   great season with a mature a
        for the first time placing 4th in   continued in the sand, jumping   well paced race finishing with
        a very competitive 1500m race.   well to place 3rd again while   style in a great 2nd, just outside
        George Shaw had a memorable   Matt had to endure 3 and 3/4   his best. Jake Anthony making
        National debut winning the B   laps in the sun doing the 1500m   his National track debut lead
        string 1500m in a great new   coming 4th. Ollie’s final effort   from the front in his race and
        personal best and had a quick                   held off the fast finishing
        sprint in the 100m for fun.  of the day was running leg 2 in   Windsor athlete to secure a
                                the sprint relay.       brilliant win.
        LAG Eton: 18/06/17      Ben Platt made his National   Two first year in the age group
        Glorious weather welcomed us   league debut putting an equal   athletes battled it out well in the
        to the scenic venue of Thames   best in the shot followed by   heat of the day over two laps
        Valley Athletics Centre at Eton   a great 23 m gaining valuable   of the 800m, both just outside
        for the third fixture in the   team points. Josh Buddle Smith   their best with Jamie Sears
        UKYDL lower age group. Dave   was just short of his pb also in   posting 2:35.3 and Oles Chaban
        Cordell and Steve Hollingdale                   2:37.4. Great times especially in
        were first on site to cherry pick   the shot and then threw the   those temperatures. Oles also
        the best pitch for our large team   javelin over 20m again scoring   sharpened up his sprinting,
        tent and this provided an essen-  vital team points.  racing well over 100m.
        tial shady retreat for our athletes   At the half way stage we were   Emmanuel Oniwinde was just
        before and after their events.   a little surprised to hear that   outside his best in a quick 100m
        As a result of the first two
        fixtures BBHAC were currently   BBHAC were leading by over   and helped the boys to a fourth
        in second spot behind National   10 points with Southampton   place in the 4 x 100m relay
        Champions Southampton and   and Havering tied for 2nd but   running the 3rd leg on the top
        a solid result at Eton would   with a loads more events to be   bend.
        help us get closer to our goal of   contested.  Finally completing our strong
        making the 2017 National final,   Connor Sutton had a fantastic   squad Ben Campbell ran a solid
        being held this year in Birming-                1500m during the hottest part
        ham in September. Havering   day winning all three of his   of the day and should be pleased
        AC and Bracknell AC started   individual events starting with   with his performance and time
        the day in 3rd and 4th and   a massive PB in the 200m   placing a respectable 4th in a
        keeping ahead of them would   smashing through the 27 sec   very tough race.
        be crucial as only the top two   barrier and slicing 0.6 sec off   With two events left to score
        in the league are guaranteed   his best. Next up was the 100m   BBHAC were 9 points in front
        automatic places in the final.  and another great personal best   of Southampton but 10 minutes
        The glorious weather was   performance winning in 13.2.   later with all events recorded
        superb for us spectators but not   Fairly new to the long jump   Southampton had clawed them-
        so friendly for the athletes as   but taking to it well Connor   selves in front to win the match
        the temperature must have been   then leaped over 4m equaling   by a single point leaving us in
        well into the 30’s!     his best, winning again and   2nd with Havering 3rd and
        The U13 boys began the day   finally racing the final leg in   Bracknell 4th. At the beginning
        well with two 2nd place finishes   the 4 x100m sprint relay. Ethan   of the day we would have been
        for Oliver Robertson and Matt                   happy with this result but felt
        Smith. Oliver smashing his   Alapafuja looked good in the   slightly deflated having been in
        personal best and Matt Smith   200m placing 3rd and ran a   the mix all day.However, that
        back near to his quickest best.   quick 100m sprint equaling his   result strengthens our position
        Ollie and Matt both had to then   best and was start off leg in the   in the league table and with
        endure long spells in the beating   sprint relay.  just our home fixture to go on
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