Page 34 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 34

        Fergus Anckorn

        10.12.1918 – 22.3.2018

                                extremely trying circumstanc-  Then while driving a lorry to
          For anyone who read about   es and as an accomplished   collect a Gun a day or so later
          this man in issue 546/121 in   magician. He was a member of   he was bombed and shot at and
          the Summer 2011, this was a   the Magic Circle for 81 years   received some dreadful injuries.
          story that touches you on all   and was also an amateur artist.   He still has a bullet from this
          levels and proves that we are not   Fergus was born in Sevenoaks   attack in his knee. He was also
          just an athletics club but a true   on 10 December 1918 and went   carrying a live shell which ex-
          fraternity of highly diverse and   to Tonbridge School.  ploded and amazingly did him
          talented individuals with some                no damage. However, he was
          extraordinary stories to tell. This   In World War Two he was   left for dead and a fellow soldier
          story will encourage and give hope   trained as a Gunner and went   took his tags and he was then
          to any who have known despair,   on to gain several awards and   reported ‘missing presumed
          and reveals a man who would   decorations but never achieved
          be stronger the than tribulations   officer rank. His posting was   dead’. He counts himself very
          that being others down.  to serve in the theatre of war   lucky to be alive and it seems
                                now developing in the Far East   he was left for dead on more
        This was a most remarkable   in 1942. Via Canada and the   than one occasion. His parents
                                                        were even informed that he was
        member of Blackheath Harriers   USA and many other places he   ‘missing presumed dead’. He
        whose story represents the   was at sea for three and a half   got engaged just before the War
        triumph of the human spirit in   months en route to Singapore.   and says that his fiancée turned
        conditions of complete adver-  He was on an American Ship   down 5 offers of marriage while
        sity and despair. He survived   about a week prior to the fall of   he was away. After the War he
        death and injury by means   Singapore and apparently it was   met up with the guy who had
        which some might attribute to   fatal that there were extremely   taken these tags and this ex-col-
        miracle or magic, to pursue a   few English servicemen on   league really thought he was
        multi faceted life in which the   Singapore. Thus he and his   seeing a ghost and almost died
        practice of magic would be a   battalion were left like sacrificial   of a heart attack himself.
        not just dominating force but a   lambs just a few days before the
        purpose for living.     Japanese captured Singapore.   Over the next few days or
        He was a life member of the   80% of the Allied troops in   maybe weeks he drifted in and
                                                        out of consciousness but recalls
                                Singapore were killed.
        club who joined that Club on                    being under fire while being
        4 October 1954. As a runner   He was to experience several   taken to hospital. The Japanese
        he claimed to have run 45,000   close escapes. The day after his   had taken over the Hospital but
        miles in the years between 1951   arrival he was with 9 others   killed the doctors, nurses and
        and 1980 which works out at   in the Docks when they were   patients before departing. They
        about 30 miles a week. He re-  bombed. 6 managed to get into   used bayonets but didn’t attack
        called the names of Alan Brent,   the shelter. He and three others,   him as he was bleeding so pro-
        Jack Braughton, Sydney Wood-  for whom there was no room in   fusely that they either thought
        erson and Tony Weeks-Pearson.   the shelter, dived into the Sea,   he was dead or that they had
        Living in Westerham for many   passing a sign that said “Dan-  already seen to him. A further
        years he mentioned pacing 1948   ger, Sharks”. When they got out   lucky escape. He then recalls
        Olympian Braughton in an   of the water after the attack, the   the peace and quiet in a Girls
        event in Westerham on his bike.  shelter had received a direct hit
                                and all 6 inside had been killed.   School before being taken to a
        He will however be remem-  His first escape!    POW camp in which there were
        bered for his wartime expe-                     150,000 prisoners. It took him
        riences, a tale of survival in                  two days crawling on all fours
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