Page 39 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 39

        The editing team wish to express their thanks for all those who contributed articles and photographs for
        this issue. We have made every effort to correctly identify all the photographers but sometimes this is not
        possible. If you took a photograph but haven’t been credited please let us know and we will publish the
        details in the next Gazette.
        We wish to thank the following:  Incoming President Paul Byfield, Retiring President Nick Brooks, Jennifer
        Neal, Steve Pairman VP, Dan Kennedy, Paul Austridge VP, Paul Kerekgyato, PP Mike Martineau, Ian
        Mackley, David Appleton VP.
        Thanks for photographs to all who took them..
        The next issue of the Gazette is due in March/April 2019 and all material should be sent in by February 2019.
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