Page 35 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 35

Obituary  35

        to find someone he knew. He   He also did magic tricks with a   told that Tony Weekes-Pearson
        had very nearly had an arm and   decent Japanese soldier who was   had recently been given his 50
        a leg removed and had bones   subsequently killed for frater-  years membership award and he
        protruding through his skin.  nization. Fergus speaks several   immediately said: “I’ve not had
        Another move took him to   languages including Japanese   one of those”! PP Mike Martin-
        Thailand with extreme cold at   and French which he mostly   eau took the initiative to trace
        night and massive heat during   picked up while in captivity.   his whereabouts and discovered
        the day and dysentery. Many   The camps had no fences so the   his move from Westerham to
        failed to survive the trip.   inmates were free to roam about   Hassocks. So, with his new ad-
        Once there, he became part   at night. They met up with   dress, said Mike “the Club was
        of the amazing effort to build   Natives who gave them infor-  able to re-establish contact and
        a railway. Amazing when one   mation about the War but they   John Baldwin visited him and
        considers the language barriers   got the feeling that they were   made a belated 50 year presenta-
        as none of the Japanese spoke   being fed false information or   tion later on in 2011”.
        English. The only clothing he   being told what they wanted   Mike Martineau would continue
        had for the best part of three   to hear. They gave up on this   to keep in touch and invited
        and a half years was a loin cloth.   source of information when told   him to talk at the club during
        In that and still with fearful in-  of what they thought was a cock   his own year as club president.
        juries and disabilities he worked   and bull story about an atomic   “His talk was just amazing. He
        for 18 hours a day. He still has   bomb in Hiroshima.  spoke without notes for over an
        problems with his balance but   With 4 others he was also taken   hour and went on for two and
        his right arm and hand was   out to be shot by machine gun.   a half hours when he spoke to
        fixed after the War following a   There was no blindfold but   Oxford University. I have never
        chance meeting with the sur-  there was a last minute reprieve.   known an hour go so quickly. It
        geon who had nearly removed it   They then found out the War   was truly mesmerizing and he
        during the War.         had ended 3 days earlier. De-  could have gone on for more.”
        He was once badly blistered   spite all that he suffered and the   The talk mentioned of course
        when a Japanese soldier threw   humiliations endured Fergus   his skill as a magician and
        a couple of gallons of creosote   displayed an astonishing atti-  there are books about him, one
        over him. His mates washed   tude to the Japanese; he didn’t   called “Surviving by Magic”
        him in the River and were all   hate them, but he hated war   The title of the book refers to
        killed for their efforts. The   and had recurring nightmares   the fact that he is a member of
        prisoners were often put in the   about the noise of war and of   the Inner Magic Circle. The
        firing line by the Japanese and   bombing.      other called ‘Conjuror on the
        he well remembers the RAF   After the war he settled down   Kwai’ recalls his skill in trying
        bombing him and the damage   to life back in Kent and he was   circumstances in a Japanese
        done by 5 stray bombs. He was   a Lecturer at West Kent Col-  POW camp. He tells the famous
        buried by this attack which was   lege. He would move later on   story of obtaining 50 eggs so he
        followed by incendiaries. Later,   to Hassocks in Sussex. Joining   could practice a trick for senior
        in another chance meeting,   the club in 1954 he remained a   Japanese Officers who were
        he met the RAF bomb aimer   member for over 50 years, even-  visiting his Camp. These were
        responsible for another of his   tually becoming a life member,   all distributed to his comrades.
        lucky escapes. He was one of   although not so present in   He was too skilled to need them
        two people out of 13 to survive   later years. He loved hearing   and used the opportunity to
        this attack.            about the Club. Having been   help his mates.
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