Page 32 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 32

        Norman Park Community Sports and

        Recreation Facility Business Plans

        Update as at March 2018
                                have been prepared to support   a “normalised” income i.e.
          In recent times there have been   the proposal and this is outlined   removing exceptional items of
          significant developments in   below. As negotiations with   both income and expense. We
          the ongoing project to move the   both the Council, Developer   have consolidated these figures
          Club’s Headquarters from   and Purchaser of Bourne Way   and then identified potential
          Bourne Way to Norman Park   are ongoing this communication   additional costs and savings
          after it was resolved in 2015 that   focuses on the major assump-  from one larger facility at Nor-
          this would be the way forward.   tions, approach and conclusions   man Park. We have also built in
          Late in 2016 the steering group   derived from the plan. We will   additional revenue streams from
          managing the project were in   be happy to review the detailed   the enhanced facility. Based on
          conference with an architect about   plan with Club members   this we have derived a forecast
          a proposed plan which would   following the meeting with   annual income and cash flow.
          deliver a site well equipped to see   the Architect & Developer on
          the club move on into the 21st   March 15th.  25 Year Cash Flow Projection
                                                        As well as maintaining the new
          century, and hopefully generate
          extra income in forms that the   Approach     facility the Club will also assume
                                                        responsibility for maintaining
          present clubhouse could not.  Moving to a new facility at   the athletics track. The major
                                Norman Park will integrate all
          After this was revised and scaled   the Club’s activities into one lo-  costs here relate to relining,
                                                        respraying and replacing the
          down the architect together with   cation and involve merging the   track periodically as well as re-
          developers put together another   Club and Norman Park Track   placing pole vault and high jump
          proposal to re-develop the site at   Management’s activities. Nor-  beds plus the shot, discuss and
          Norman Park. There would be   man Park Track Management is   hammer cage. Thus we have to
          certain obstacles to overcome and   the company currently running   ensure that our annual surplus
          requirements to fulfil but by the   Norman Park on a contract   from operating the combined
          late following winter the prospects   from the Council. It is a com-  track and sports & recreation
          of commencing the project were   pany limited by guarantee, i.e. it   facility will cover these periodic
          getting brighter. At a meeting of   has no shareholders, and its di-  costs. We have projected ahead
          the Trustees on March 5th 2018   rectors are all club members. It   25 years because this is the life
          the following business plan was   is proposed that it will become   of the track itself. At the end
          proposed              a subsidiary of Blackheath &   of 25 years we should be in a
                                Bromley Harriers AC. All fig-  position to ensure that the track
                                ures are based on constant 2018   and building are in an “as new”
        Introduction            £’s as it is assumed inflation will   state. (Note: A 25 year projec-
        One of the key issues in   impact both costs and revenues   tion is just that - a projection - to
        deciding to sell Bourne Way   equally and an earlier less con-  demonstrate that if everything
        and invest the proceeds in an   servative version of the Business   stays as assumed we are able to
        enhanced sports & recreation   Plan was reviewed and approved   cover future cash demands).
        facility at Norman Park is to   by independent consultants on
        ensure the Club can financially   behalf of the Council.)  Summary of the Business Plan
        afford to operate and maintain                  and Cash Flow Forecast
        the new facility. We have to   Annual Income
        ensure we can afford to run the   The business plan is based in   Annual Income
        new facilities and generate suf-  taking the financials for the   (a)  Combining the current
        ficient funds to cover the sub-  Club (BBHAC), the House   annual incomes of BBHAC,
        stantial periodic maintenance,   & Social Committee (H&S)   H&S and NPTM, less the
        refurbishment and replacement   and Norman Park Track   Council Grant currently re-
        costs. A detailed business plan   Management (NPTM) for the   ceived by NPTM, amounts
        and 25 year cash flow forecast   past 5 years and establishing   to nearly £20k.
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