Page 36 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 36

36 36                                                               Obituary

        Of course he made the big time   aged over 90. He taught special
        with his celebrated appearance   needs and disabled children at
        on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ in   Valence School in Westerham
        2016. He appeared with winner   and was very disappointed to
        Richard Jones who performed   have to retire from that at age
        magic tricks while telling the   65. Words frequently used were
        story about Fergus. He men-  “remarkable”, “friendship” and
        tioned that the appearance of   “kindness”. After his wartime
        Fergus at the Final of that Show   experiences, everything to
        kicked off almost as a joke as   him in life was a wonder. He
        Richard never expected to make   touched so many people and
        that Final. But when he did,   even at his deathbed the tools
        Fergus was delighted to fulfill   of the Magician’s trade were
        a promise made. He had his   at his bedside. He also went to
        own dressing room which was   Japan, accompanied by a Son,
        always full of people listening   and made his peace with that
        to his stories and watching him   Nation.
        perform his magic.      He finally died on 22nd March
        As a member of the Magic   2018. He was a widower and
        Circle for 81 years, he was their   had two children and four
        youngest ever member and   grandchildren. His memorial
        then eventually their oldest. He   service was held at Holy Trinity
        regularly attended their Monday   Church in Hurstpierpoint on
        night gatherings even up to last   16th April and attended by
        December and received a stand-  over 200 people, family, friends
        ing ovation on one memorable   and admirers. It lasted over 90
        occasion from the Magic Circle   minutes, including no less than
        in 2017. Scott Penrose from the   8 personal tributes and some
        Magic Circle performed the   excellent music and finished
        ‘Broken wand’ ceremony where   with the ‘Last Post’, delivered
        the wand belonging to Fergus   by a member of the Household
        was broken (you half expect-  Cavalry. Blackheath Harriers
        ed it to then be miraculously   was mentioned in dispatches
        repaired!). Scott also pulled out   and the many prizes he had
        his mobile phone to read some   won at Athletics events. Both
        of the Facebook messages about   his son, Simon, and daughter,
        Fergus. The phone immediately   Deborah, spoke as did two
        burst into flames when opened!   granddaughters, the writer of
        In his later years he continued   his autobiography, a member of
        to be active and to break new   the Magic Circle and a member
        ground. In response hearing a   of his Masonic Lodge.
        comedian stating that all drivers   Mike Martineau (ed. Wilf Orton)
        over the age of 70 should be
        banned, he passed the Institute
        of Advanced Motoring test
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