Page 30 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 30

30                                                              Athletics Report

        Ladies Vets Reports

                                pbs. First home for B&B and   Well done to all and thank
          We only entered one event for the   with a 60 second best of 19.21   you to the support around the
          Ladies vets this year.  was Jane Bradshaw, Very closely   course from the male V50s who
                                followed by Sara Elmqvist in   warmed down in the cold and
                                19.37 and Jenny Neal in 20.29.   cheered us on. Thank you to all
        2 December 2017 - Kent Mas-                     the senior ladies and vets for
        ters - Central Park Dartford  To add to this result, the V55s   your input over the last season.
        Well we all thought our medal   achieved bronze with Anne   Everybody counts and it has
        days were over (my 14 year old   Cilia, Zoe Kingsmell and   been fun being Team Manager.
        son commenting this morning:   Lindsey Alger all finishing well.
        “mum, what’s it like to know   Topping it off was Maz Tuner’s   Jennifer Neal
        you will never run pbs again?”)   individual bronze medal in the
        but we were stunned and de-  V65 category. With a very strong
        lighted to pick up team silver for   run from Sally Haffenden and
        the V35 (Jane and Jenny drop-  backing from Edwina Cheng, it
        ping down an age category). In   was a shame we couldn’t field a
        conditions that exactly matched   full V45 team but there is always
        last year - sunny, cold and firm   next year.
        underfoot, All 3 of Dave Lis-
        ton’s training group ran course

        BBHAC Cross Country Male Masters Report

                                The Kent Vets champion-  Although the course consists
          Further afield BBHAC   ship in December, took place   of laps mainly around football
          members were racing in various   at Dartford, and saw the M60   pitches, it is a great place to
          other meetings. Niamh Bridson   team also win. The team   watch races. This was empha-
          Hubbard and Will Fuller were   consisted of Alan Camp (17.26),   sised in the M40 event where
          on International duty running   Rob Brown (19.49) and Peter   Alex Gibbins had a thrilling
          for England in Atapuerca,   Hamilton (20.19), coming home   race with Julian Rendall of Ton-
          Northern Spain where Niamh   over 2 minutes ahead of the   bridge and Ben Hope of Kent
          finishing 10th and Will 13th in   second team. At the same event   AC. Just two seconds separated
          their respective races.  the V50 team also produced a   the three of them, with Alex
                                strong team effort. Tim Nash   finishing second to Julian in
        Another successful season for   (33.16) Roger Beswick (34.33)   29.34.
        the male vets. At the National   and Nigel Haffenden (35.05)   The vets as always attended
        Mens’ Masters in Log Eaton,   saw the team finish second. Tim   the Club championships and
        Derbyshire in October, very   was our highest placed athlete   Mob Matches in numbers.
        consistent race times from our   in 5th.        Congratulations to Paul
        V65 team of Peter Hamilton                      Kerekgyato and Ian Swatton
        (13.17), Rob Brown (13.03) and                  who finished 1st and 3rd in the
        Paul Ross Davis (13.14) saw                     Bennett Cup!
        them win, (and retain!), the
        event, coming home 24 seconds                                Steve Pairman
        ahead of Rotherham Harriers.
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