Page 31 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 31
Letters 31
Letters to the Editor
Wilf, In response to your email Wilf, South of England Cross We as a club will enter all our
I will try to put something ap- Country fiasco… athletes who want to run but I
propriate together on Peter and must stress that all athletes will
send to you, probably in the next I’m sure you are aware of the need to make their own travel
week or so. issues with the up coming arrangements and that parents
South of England cross country will be responsible for their
As far as deadlines for publi- Championships in Brighton, child for the whole day as no
cation were concerned, I don’t namely to lack of car parking BBHAC team mangers will be
recall any strict requirements, facilities and the reduced train at Brighton.
though I think we used to plan services on the same day.
on two editions a year. We used With regard to the Kent
to have to badger people quite a These once prestigious Cham- selection situation the selectors
lot for input, so I guess nothing pionships should be one of the are aware that several clubs are
has changed in that respect. cross country seasons highlights likely not to travel to Brighton
The main problem was that and also act as one of Kent and so are making plans for
in those days it was a terribly County selection races, however, alternative performances to be
laborious business going from I fear they may well fall short considered when selecting the
raw input to the final printed if the current situation doesn’t Kent National inter counties
version. Don’t forget that this change. team.
is 50 years ago and long before
PCs and desktop publishing The SEAA has stated that there Any questions or queries please
software. So it was all cutting will be no car parking anywhere get in touch.
and pasting manually with near the course and have made
estimates as to how much would no provision for clubs to gain Paul Austridge
fit onto a page after the printers access to drop off club tents. BBHAC Boys winter team manger
had been through it. There With the difficulties of getting
again, because of the modern there (ie. relying on public
technology, expectations are transport) I’m sorry to say that
now probably much higher in BBHAC will have no team
terms of promptness and quality mangers or club tent at these
of output. However, from the Championships.
receiving end, it does not appear
that you have any problems – I feel I cannot attend (under
the quality of the product is these current circumstance) and
excellent! be responsible for our athletes
safety and comfort without the
Ian Mackley shelter our club tent provides on
what could be a cold damp day.
This coupled with the fact that
many, if not all will then spend
many hours travelling back
home on public transport, I
believe is unacceptable and will
make Brighton 2018 a difficult
day and not a great experience,
(I hope I’m wrong).