Page 29 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 29

Athletics Report  29

        However Paul ensured that he   placed in most of the ladies’ rac-  Looking back on the series Paul
        would finish in style, with the   es as well as finishing runner-up   made the following observa-
        fastest actual time on the day,   in the competition.  tions: firstly the 9 races had a
        and allowing him to extend his                  huge impact on his fitness and
        lead to 38 points, and with it   As to the statistics of the   made a noticeable difference to
        the Bennett Cup for his trophy   competition, 96 athletes took   my times across all distances.
        cabinet.                part (79 men and boys and   “My parkrun PB dropped to 19:04
                                17 women and girls with 266   and I achieved a Parris Handicap
        His total of 442 points was   total performances. The ages   PB of 18:57, all thanks to the Bennet
        made up of a consistent range of   of the runners ranged from the   Cup Season.”
        scores ranging from 38 points   oldest 70 (John Fenwick) to
        to 59, and in two events he   the youngest 14 (Bailey Marks,   Secondly he managed to tie all
        picked up awards both in 5 mile   Harvey Blandon and William   the runs in with his marathon
        events, which for a Bennett Cup   Andrews). The biggest turnout   training for London, “which
        winner is unusual as a consistent   of Blackheath Harriers of any   meant swapping the longer runs for the
        collection of handicap scores   event was 54 for the Will Bolton   Bennet cup matches when required.”
        is more conducive to attaining   Relays with the smallest being
        a winning score than one with   17 for the both SLH Mob Match   Having first met him earlier this
        more highs and inevitably lows   and the Closing 5 (run in freak   year I was struck by his integrity,
        as well.                snow conditions).       his modesty and generosity
                                                        of spirit. Notwithstanding his
        During the course of the season   Of those 97 taking part in at   own sense of achievement he
        the fastest times for various   least one race 43 were under   had took time to pay tribute to
        distances were for 10 miles   40 years old (43% of competi-  others be they so humble.
        1.00.02 for the men, run by Dan   tors). Of these runners 26 were
        Kennedy, and 1.13.42 for the   under 20 years old, that is over   “Running all nine races was easy
        women by Amy Leach; for 7 ½   a quarter of all competitors.   compared to the job of the marshals
        miles 46.06 Dan Kennedy (men)   However it could be argued that   and organisers, who stood in the wind,
        56.44 Jane Bradshaw (women);   of these most, 18 out of 26, ran   rain and snow throughout the season,
        10km 40.30 Alex Gibbins (men)   in only one or two events so   making this all possible. Thank you.”
        53.13 Jane Bradshaw (women);   perhaps cross country is still not
        5 miles 30.20 Charlie Andrews,   attractive enough amongst the   Like Mike Sims before him Paul
        and 31.05 Yasmine Austridge.  younger members and even less   is a relatively newcomer to the
                                so in the 20s and 30s. However   club, having shown promise in
        The season included the major   ironically the age range with   the Parris handicap in the pre-
        cross country club champion-  most participants was the under   ceding summer. It still remains
        ships which for the men were   20s.             an encouraging challenge for
        won by Charlie Andrews in the                   those not yet tainted by the
        5 miles, Alex Gibbins in the   Of the 96 competitors taking   Machiavellian calibrations of the
        10km, Gareth Evans in the 7 ½   part this season only 2 runners   handicapper.
        miles and Dan Kennedy in the   did all 9 events and 56 ¼ miles
        10 miles. In the ladies cham-  over six months, with a further   Wilf Orton
        pionships the winners were   5 completing 8 events and more
        Jasmine Austridge in the 5 mile,   than half the total sum of run-
        Jane Bradshaw in the 10km and   ners completed no more than 2.
        7 ½ miles, and Amy Leach in
        the 10 miles. It was a partic-
        ularly memorable season for
        Jane Bradshaw who was highly
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