Page 25 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 25

Athletics Report  25

        Cross country championship courses provide authentic challenges for those who dare to run but much
        encouragement too
        the excitement of the race no   Louth was a strong 27th, Amelie   made a massive contribution to
        one had seen the all important   Willars 31st, Gabby Buddle   the teams effort, helping secure
        fourth Invicta lad cross the   Smith 33rd, Katie Brash, 36th   silver.
        line, so a tense wait until the   and Sian Smith 43rd.
        official results were announced.                Only two U17 girls racing meant
        Blackheath U13 boys team had   U17 boys age group is very com-  no team prize contested but
        won and comfortably by over 20   petitive and the BB boys will be   a great run from Mille Smith
        points. This just goes to show   delighted with their team silver   placing 7th and Charlotte Faries
        what strength in depth means   medals especially as we only had
        and Blackheath boy’s U13 squad   a squad of four running on the   in 29th.The Kent County Cross
        were more than worthy winners,   day. With four to score in U17   Country Championships is a
        a fantastic gold effort.  race all our boys efforts were   well run event with an excellent
                                rewarded with County silver   results service. Our very own
        Nine U13 girls toed the line   medals. Matthew Francis led the   Past President Dave Cordell was
        for their 3k race and it was Lily   BB charge placing a fantastic   race referee and great to have
        Meers first BB home in a fine   3rd and also picking up the indi-  current President Nick Brooks
        5th place, with Hanna Clark   vidual bronze to add to his team
        in a strong 9th and Amelia   medal. Peter Guy ran in his   in attendance, supporting all
        Middleton just behind in a great   normal determined fashion and   our athletes, along with Past
        10th, completing the three to   placed an impressive 8th whilst   President Mike Peel supporting
        score team that would later   Callum Myatt looked good   and taking the great photos we
        collect their team silver medals.   finishing 12th and Theo Wood   see on our website.
        Cameron Kelly Gordon had a   running in his first County
        fine run in 16th place, Isabella   Championship placed 32nd and   Paul Austridge
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