Page 30 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 30

30 30                                                           Athletics Report
                                                                    Athletics Report

        “I felt I was in good form and got off   The season included the   If you run all nine you get a
        to a really good start at the Relays,   major cross country Club   special medal for doing so,
        spurred on to a good time by a great   championships which for the   one of distinctive quality but
        first competition with Jenny Neal,   men were won by Joss Barber   in order to attain that medal
        Andy Lawes and Paul Kerekgyarto.   in the 5 mile and 10km, Dan   you need to run a total of 56¼
        The Club 5 and Christmas Yacht   Kennedy in the 7 ½ miles and   miles. 6 runners did all events
        also went well – though it’s a shame to   Peter Tucker in the 10 miles. In   over six months, more than last
        lose the traditional route I think the   the ladies championships the   year with a further 3 completing
        new course suits me - I just love the   winners were Jessica Keene in   8 events although more than
        fast downhill.”         the 5 mile, 10km and 7 ½ miles,   half the total sum of runners
        The competition was for him an   and Carol Penlington in the 10   completed no more than 2.
        opportunity for improvement   miles, so a highly distinguished   As to his other performances
        of his times, as it is with   season for Jessica Keene.  in different competitions Mike
        many runners who rise to the   As to the statistics of the   went on to say
        challenge of the handicap. “   competition, 97 athletes took   “My form in other competitions was
        The three 7.5m mob matches went   part (75 men and boys and   really strong – I strung together 3
        really well. For the two home runs I   22 women and girls with 332   sub-20s at parkrun and did really
        broke my PB twice and had a great   total performances. The ages   well in Petts Wood 10k and Knole
        competition with 3 SLH runners   of the runners ranged from   Park Kent Fitness League. But I
        (beating them )”        the oldest 69 (John Fenwick)   had a setback in the Club 10k. I just
        He even paid tribute to the   to the youngest 11 (Amarisa   didn’t have the legs to keep up with
        weather as a contributory factor   Sibley). The biggest turnout   my usual target runners and I lost 3
        in his success it was a feature for   of Blackheath Harriers of any   or 4 more places in the final kilometre
        the whole season “ nowhere near   event was 51 for the Will Bolton   back around the farm. Still I was
        as much mud as usual.”  Relays with the smallest being   in contention in the points table so I
        His total of 394 points was   22 for the SLH Mob Match.  wasn’t downhearted.”.
        made up of a consistent range   Of those 97 taking part in at
        of scores ranging from 32   least one race 42 were under 40    Wilf Orton
        points to 53, the score he   years old (43% of competitors).
        attained in the Closing 5 and   Of these runners 23 were under
        one which secured for him the   20 years old, that is about a
        Bennett Cup.            quarter of all competitors.
        During the course of the season   However it could be argued
                                that of these most, 14 out of
        the fastest times for various   23, ran in only one or two
        distances were for 10 miles   events mainly the shorter ones
        1.01’ for the men, run by Peter   (either at the start or the end
        Tucker, and 1.08.42 for the   of the season) so perhaps cross
        women by Carol Penlington;   country is still not attractive
        for 7 ½ miles 49.24 Luca   enough amongst the younger
        Ercolini (men) 58.00 Jessica   members and even less so in
        Keene (women); 10km 42.55   the 20s and 30s. It seems that
        Joss barber (men) 44.52 Jessica   it is particularly competed for
        Keene (women); 5 miles   by those in their 40s which
        28.31 Joss Barber, and 31.05   was the age range with most
        Jessica Keene.          participants. (24).
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