Page 29 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 29

Athletics Report  29
        The Bennett Cup Season


                                The initial lead was taken by   extra 3 miles finding the start
          This season’s Bennett Cup was   Oscar Hussey and then passed   line a mere 20 minutes after
          won by Mike Simms in a solid   to Ian Swatton who held it for a   everyone else had departed. But
          performance which was a model   couple of events even opening   he said “I was just about able to
          of consistency and tenacity, a   up a comfortable lead of nearly   catch the back of the race by the end
          patient waiting game of taking   30 points after the Christmas   and, by the grace of the handicapper, I
          the chance of winning at the   yacht handicap from eventual   stayed in contention for the cup.”
          most vital moment in season of   winner Mike Simms. The lead   He was able to close the
          nine events spread out over six   pack settled down to a regular   points gap down to four in the
          months.               group of contenders who   penultimate event, the Ranelagh
                                usually occupied the top ten   mob match, thus setting up a
                                positions over the remaining   potentially close finish in the
                                course of the season, often   Closing 5.
                                exchanging positions on the   In the Closing 5 Luca sought to
                                leader board. At this stage
                                the leading pack consisted of   continue his great form which
                                newcomers and familiar faces   had inspired him all season.
                                                        Mike Sims remarked “Come
                                such as Steve Pairman, Chris
                                Pike and Glen Read, as well   the Closing 5, I knew I had to stay
                                                        ahead of Luca Ercolani to win the
                                as Jessica Keene and Austin
                                Adams who after having won   competition. From the handicaps it
                                                        looked doable but Luca had been
                                the Parris Shield in the summer   on wonderful form all through the
                                may well have fancied his
                                chances in the winter handicap.   competition so I knew I’d have to
                                                        give everything”.
                                He did in fact stay with the
                                leading pack for the first four   Luca ran the fastest time of
                                events before falling away due   the day but finished in 18th
                                to injury and other matters   place, whilst Mike running an
                                but most of the others stayed   impressive 34.59 clock time
                                consistent and in reach of the   finished 10 places above him,
                                leader, who by the new year was   enough to overhaul his lead and
                                Luca Ercolini.          secure the Bennett Cup.
                                Luca and Mike Simms assumed   He continued “Thanks to my
                                first and second places   favourite downhill I did it – just.
                                respectively and held these   The difference between first and
                                positions until the last event,   second came down to 15 seconds from
                                Luca seeming to consolidate   memory. Glad I put double knots in
                                his lead especially when in the   my laces.”
                                seventh event, the Orion Mob   Commenting on his winning this
                                match when he won the Club 7   trophy Mike further remarked:
                                ½ mile championship. However   “I’ve always enjoyed running in
                                Mike Simms maintained a   Bennett Cup events. It’s almost too
                                constant presence behind him   good to be true having such great races
                                in the chase and managed to   just a short jog from my house in Coney
                                keep in contention. In the Club   Hall.” Coming into the 2016/17
                                10 mile championships when   competition he had participated
                                his navigation skills deserted   in 17 events on the trot and
                                him he ended up running an   intended to do all 9 events.
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