Page 31 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 31

Obituary  31 31
        Gordon Hickey


                                against ‘Floppers’ and cleared   training specifically for the
          Last issue we included a short   good heights.  event but the other factor
          obituary for Gordon Hickey   However in order to improve   militating against his jumping
          who died last year. As promised   his technique Gordon was   was his job as a film and tape
          here is a more extensive tribute   coached by Sir Arthur Gold and   editor with ITN. Nightshifts
          to him including personal   trained with the Royal Ballet.   every other weekend and travel
          memories from friends.  He used to travel across London   could intrude. He recalled an
                                to train at Parliament Hill under   assignment in Belfast in 1970
                                                        where the only thing that
        Gordon Hickey will always be   the guidance of Sir Arthur and   didn’t seem to get bombed was
        remembered as the veteran shot   his assistant Ron Murray. It   his hotel.
        putter who dominated his event   was Gold who arranged for a
        over many years, performing at   number of jumpers including   Therefore despite being one
                                                        of the top jumpers in the
        an age when most athletes had   Mary Rand to work with the
        hung up their shoes and not   Royal Ballet. “That was tough   country he never gained an
                                                        International vest. The only
        just to turn up but to compete   training” recalled Gordon; “we   times he competed abroad
        seriously at different levels apart   were doing all the exercises for   was with the Club on tours to
        though from international,   a couple of hours and you could   Switzerland and Northern Italy.
        gaining a host of titles including   hardly walk afterwards”.  He fondly recalled the Italy trip
        British Record holder for the   Specific event training for   where races were held on the
        M70’s shot, and setting plenty   the high jump was not a year   promenade. “The shot took
        of records in the process.  round cycle. Jump training was   place on the beach and then
        It is therefore quite hard believe   done in the winter and athletes   they went up to the town square
        that he was once the Southern   would just play football to fill   for the jumps and somewhat
        Counties high jump champion.   in the time and then around   surprisingly the discus.”
        The highlight of his career as a   March “started to think about   Gordon had always putt the
        high jumper was winning the   Athletics”.       shot in Club matches but in
        Southern title. “I must have   One meeting he enjoyed was   his 40’s as his spring deserted
        jumped 6 foot 2 inches over 30   at the White City in 1958 two   him he began to take this event
        times but then towards the end   weeks before the Empire   more seriously. “I cleared 1.81
        of my career I cleared 6 foot 3   Games. “I was ranked 2nd in   as an over 40, 1.75 as an over 45
        on a grass run up.” He would   England” he said , “4th Briton,   and 1.70 as an over 50 but then
        wonder what he would have   but couldn’t get in because   my hips just went.”
        jumped using a tartan runway.  all the jumpers from around   In the 2001 season he also
        People have written and said   the Commonwealth were   competed in the British
        much of Gordon as a veteran   competing. After many protests   Athletics League Division One.
        athlete-mainly on his high   he was eventually allowed to   The match at Eton saw the
        jumping and throws, but there   compete and was number 31 on   British Over 65’s Record holder
        are memories are of a younger   the programme.” He qualified   going head to head with the
        man who if necessary could   for the Final on the Friday   USA’s Olympic Silver Medallist
        produce a passable long or triple   night, but then had to go off to   from Sydney 2000 Adam
        jump. His ability in the High   work all night before returning   Nelson who was competing
        Jump was limited technically   to compete without sleep the   for Birchfield. Nelson won.
        to the Western Roll. He could   next day. He finished in 7th   “The only time I’ve been in a
        never master the Fosbury Flop,   place.         competition where someone has
        largely due to his bulk. He   Perhaps it was unfortunate that   thrown over twice as far as me”
        persevered with his old style as   work commitments prevented   commented Gordon who didn’t
        long as he competed, sometimes   him from going higher or   enjoy the experience.
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