Page 32 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 32

32                                                                  Obituary

        What he enjoyed was the wide   either in Division One and   As he lived close to the Club-
        variety of throws competition   Three often beating athletes   house, and worked shifts, he
        available. He has set a British   who were 50 years younger.   was ready at any times to pitch
        record for the throws decathlon   He even competed to up to the   in. With the help of a few other
        and was a dab hand at the   age of 80 but as Barbara Terry   members we completed the task
        Greek discus which is basically   remembers “with his diabetes,   ready for the winter season. “As
        doing a standing throw with an   he couldn’t feel his feet and   a result of out work”, continued
        overweight implement. “If I do   would often get called for ‘no   Brian, “Gordon and I were
        a spin in the Southern League   throw’ as his toe was over the   invited to become Directors on
        with the 2kg” he remarked “it   rim of the circle . However he   the board of B.H.H.Q Ltd, a
        goes about 25.10. When I do the   had one competition as an 80   wise move because there were
        standing throw it goes about   year old and was disappointed   many other tasks ahead. We
        25.00 which shows how good   to miss out on the Throws   revamped the Clubroom twice
        my turn is!”            Pentathlon record by only a few   more; he oversaw the re-wiring
        In one of his last events he   points.” His competition days   of the Clubroom once and did
        had just returned from the   ended here.        a lot of work on the outside
        European Masters in Denmark.   Having joined the Club on   around the Clubhouse.”
        He enjoyed the trip with his   2nd May 1955 he was made   Gordon served on the Wine
        Danish wife but the shot   a Vice President in 1975,   Committee and was ready at
        competition was a disaster. He’d   and attained his 50 years   any time to go to the Club to
        checked with the organisers   membership in 2005 Gordon   put beer deliveries away, order
        that they had large diameter   would undoubtedly be summed   or collect food for suppers
        shots but when he got to his   up as a perfect ‘Club man’   and carry out any task asked
        competition he found they were   and it was this that made him   of him. In committee or at
        all at the other pool. “I had a   so revered by his friends and   A.G.Ms he would be the first to
        lot of problems with the smaller   fellow athletes. “He was always   query any contentious items on
        shots and the wet conditions”   willing to give advice to anyone   the agenda.
        He threw 11.28 but did further   whether they asked for it or   Brain Stone again: “He became
        in the throws pentathlon with   not” recalled Barbara Terry.  a great friend. Above all, we
        11.82. “I got home and threw   “When I took up the post   socialised and for many years
        over 13 in training.”   of Wine Secretary” recalled   Saturday Suppers once a month
        Gordon was an all round   Brian Stone, “the first thing I   saw members and their wives
        sportsman. Athletics aside, he   wanted to do was re-decorate   and friends eat, drink and dance
        loved football and played in goal   the Clubroom. We had a damp   into the early hours to our in-
        for I.T.N, a position from which   problem with photographs on   house disco.”
        he frequently gave unwarranted   the rear wall getting damaged.   To Barbara Terry he was “a
        advice to the rest of his team   When I mentioned it to a   lovely man with a big heart”.
        during their matches. His voice   few of my contemporaries   Perhaps Brian Stone should
        could be clearly heard in the   Gordon reacted with “when do   have the last word “My late
        opposition goalmouth. His   we start?”.         friend was a live-wire in Club
        other favoured sport was golf,                  life-and he is greatly missed. We
        and this probably contributed to                won’t see his like again.”
        his hip problems as he got older.
        As time went on he did a couple                  Mike Martineau, Brian Stone &
        of training sessions a week but                   Barbara Terry (ed. Wilf Orton)
        still competed very regularly.
        He could still be seen in action
        in the Southern Men’s League
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