Page 27 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 27

Athletics Report  27
        National Cross Country Championships 2017

                                After a good coach journey up,   The U13 girls continued in
          Blackheath and Bromley HAC   a gentle training run, a splash   winning ways comfortably
          young athletes had their most   in the lovely hotel swimming   securing the gold medals with
          successful National at this year’s   pool, dinner and a good nights   two inside the top 10. Fabulous
          classic cross country course in   sleep it was down to business   runs from Anwen Thomas in
          Nottingham, winning three   at Wollaton Park. The 16th   4th and just 3 second behind
          team medals and seven athletes   century Wollaton Hall was   in 6th Naomi Toft. Ellie Dolby
          placed in the top 20. Nearly   an impressive back drop to a   was a strong 25th and Maayan
          sixty BB youngsters spent the   traditional cross country course   Radus a great 43rd. Heidi
          weekend together in Nottingham   made up of grass sections,   Forsyth continues to improve
          and brought the curtain down on   wooded areas, lakes, streams   and placed a high 63rd. Lily
          the Club winter season in superb   and tons / gallons of liquid   Meers was a solid 77th, Daniella
          fashion with all our athletes ex-  mud. Those who managed to   Harper on the come back trail
          celling, reinforcing our position   stay on their feet still finished   was 113th and Olivia Berry
          as one of the strongest athletics   looking like they had fallen!  placed 146th. Ever improving
          Clubs in the country.  First up were the U17 girls   Kelsey Pullin crossed the line
                                and solid runs from all our   in 164th a second in front of her
                                girls ended with the team tied   room mate Holly Sutton Trot in
                                on points with London rivals   167th and who was making her
                                Herne Hill Harriers, but victory   winter debut for BB and great
                                was ours (on count back) as all   to see Sofia Elliot completing a
                                our four scoring girls finished   very strong squad.
                                ahead of all the HHH girls. A   It was to be three medals from
                                tight result but a well deserved   three races as the U15 girls
                                gold. Katy Ann McDonald led   competed strongly to claim the
                                the team home in a fine 16th   team bronze. Another gutsy
                                place with Madalina Samoila   performance saw Morgan
                                a strong 26th and Yasmin   Squibb earn a well deserved top
                                Austridge and Millie Smith   20 spot placing 16th. Yasmin
                                ran well placing 37th and 49th.   Marghini was a fine 28th, Lia
                                Great runs also from Lottie   Radus ran well to finish 67th
                                Weitzel in 69th, Genny Allan   and Amy Miller had another
                                in 87th and Grace Scopes in   fantastic run and powered
                                120th.                  through the field on the second
                                                        lap to finish 70th. Another
                                                        athlete making her BBHAC
                                                        debut was Lucrezia Polloni
                                                        finishing well inside the top 100
                                                        in 89th. Zoe White was a strong
                                                        113th, Jess Neal was 122nd and
                                                        Niamh Milmo placed 217th.
                                                        Abbie Leeves crossed the line
                                                        in 241st with Issy Bridge in
                                                        270th, Lily Tappenden recently
                                                        back from illness and injury was
                                                        280th and completing the squad
                                                        was Emily Davis in 288th.
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