Page 33 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 33
Obituary 33
Brenda Brent
In 1995 as a result of the Club’s Husband Alan, was of course
Before the Club went open in new open policy Brenda finally the President in 1966/67. As
1992 the ladies who backed gained Club membership, and his first lady she was always
up the male members played as a reward for her services of course smiling by his side
a vital role behind the scenes was made an Honorary Life at many events such as the
in the social life of the cub and Member at the same time. Belgrave Annual Dinner when
fundraising for many important In time a changing climate, as ECCU President Alan and
projects. brought about by the move she were guests of honour;
by Blackheath Harriers to and in 1973 they both kindly
becoming an open Club, meant accommodated some French or
Brenda Brent, wife of that the Social Club no longer German young athletes at an
Past President Alan Brent served the same purpose as it international meeting. Twenty
will be well remembered had previously done. Brenda or so years ago, Club Dinners
for her many talents, and was however still involved as its were more frequent and he
organizational abilities. secretary when it was disbanded and Brenda sat with others of
Her work with the Social Club in March 1996. their age group. Brenda ran the
raffles bringing her ‘old bag’
was of course legendary and Mike Martineau was in 1997 the which was eventually replaced
a great source of income to first President to elect ladies as by a ‘new old bag’.
the main Club. In 1973 the Vice Presidents. His first choice
Blackheath Social Club was for this honour was, of course, As for her legendary baking one
formed and this was chaired Brenda. However, when he past President recalls. “I have so
by Brenda. Ladies competed in was told that she already had a many great memories of her. A great
their table tennis team using the superior position as Honorary baker of lovely cakes, I always felt
Blackheath Harriers name. With Life Member and that the role extremely deprived if she had sold
barn dances, raffles, jumble of VP was inferior, he decided out at the Track before I got around
sales and tombolas the Social not to proceed down that path. to trying to buy some. And one piece
Club, including the likes of Ironically however she was was never enough! Brenda and Vi did
Maggie Haines, raised an awful later made a VP, in 2001, and such a wonderful job at all the home
lot of money that enabled much if anyone should have been meetings for so many years “
needed work to be done in the the first, then it should have The Angels will now be very
Clubhouse and at the Track. been Brenda. well catered for and I’m sure
Such items raised for the Club are greatly enjoying Brenda’s
included Clubhouse furniture very special talents and her
and crockery, and equipment wonderful intelligent company.
such as a glass-washer for
the bar. Michael Orton
In 1980 she and Alan provided
kitchenware for the Steward’s
flat, together with the Jubilee
Kitchen; and in 1982 they
bought and equipped the garage
for the newly opened Norman
Park Track which was for a time
a shelter for the results officials,
and for Brenda to dispense the
refreshments for which she is
best remembered.