Page 25 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 25

Athletics Report  25

        the C team clocking a fast time   recent international to her name   year’s National Cross Country
        and handing the reigns to Jake   Isabelle Bridge leading them   Relay Championships, held
        Leng who passed 6 Clubs on   off followed by a good leg from   for the 29th year in Berry Hill
        his way to a fast leg but like the   Gracie Horton consolidating   Park, Mansfield and these
        U13 girls we were one short of   their position and Emily Davis   championships are a great
        completing the scoring team.  gaining 9 places crossing the   opportunity for Clubs to
        The second shorts incident   line in 53rd position. Niamh   compete in a team format, in
        occurred with U15 boys as   Milmo had a great run as our   an otherwise individual sport.
        another pair went missing. On   only reperesntive in the D team.   BBHAC’s great team spirit and
        hand to sort this one was our   The U15 girls are a large and   talent was fully on show and
        very own president who kindly   strong squad.   the Club was rewarded with
        donated his own pair. I’m   Without time to draw breath the   a fantastic set of results. Two
        not sure if these were hastily   U17 boys and five minutes later   team gold medals, one team
        removed from the President’s   the U17 girls were off. Callum   silver and three teams in the
        body or kit bag! President Bill   Myatt started out with a positive   top ten.
        Foster’s kit is used to running   leg on one passing to Oscar   With the best Clubs competing
        fast and yesterday was no   Hussey who made up 8 places   from throughout England,
        exception as they flew around   with a great leg before passing   competition is always of the
        the Sutton Coldfield course   to Charlie Andrews who also   highest standard and so all
        albeit on a far younger model.  made up places and brought   results achieved are hard
        BB U15 girls are strong and   the team home in a satisfactory   fought and well deserved. Our
        plentiful and were tremendous   26th place. Lewis Mills lead an   U15 girls were superb and
        despite having to compete along   incomplete team off on leg one   dominated their race fielding
        side the busy boys race. The   and recorded the quickest U17   three strong teams and winning
        A team of Lia Radus, Morgan   time of the day.  gold and silver. One medal is
        Squibb and Sophie Hoare were   The U17 girls all ran well   special but to win two medals in
        brilliant as they battled their   finishing an impressive 7th   one race is very impressive.
        way to a marvellous silver. Lia   with Millie Smith having a   Tola Pearse, running the 5th
        led off well despite not feeling   great opening leg run passing to   fastest time of the day, Amy
        100% and handed over to   Lottie Weitzel holding her own,   Miller and Yasmin Marghini,
        Morgan who battled well taking   then Amy Leach gained three   running the fastest leg of the
        seven places passing to Sophie   positions finishing strongly   day were worthy winners and
        who had the 3rd fastest run of   in 7th.        the trio of Morgan Squibb,
        the day overtaking two teams   Stephanie Taylor on leg 1 and
        and just missing gold by the   Grace Scopes gaining 7 places   running the 7th fastest time, Lia
                                                        Radus and Sophie Hoare were
        smallest of margins. A great   on leg 2 had strong runs in the   just behind in second winning
        team effort. The B team of Lily   incomplete B team.
        Tappenden, Amy Miller and   Athletics aside the highlight   a great team silver, a fantastic
                                                        BBHAC sight. The C team of
        Zoe White combined brilliantly   of the day must be hearing the
        to be the first B team home. On   news that past president and   Lily Tappenden, Zoe White and
        the 1st leg Lily had a strong run   Norman Park track manager   Jess Neal were 57th in a field
        before handing to Amy Miller   offered and bought someone a   of over 90 teams and is also a
        who carved through the field   cup of tea!      great result.
        jumping 30 places during her                    The U13 girls were equally
        leg then passing to Zoe to bring   National Cross Country   impressive fielding three teams
        the team home in 16th place   Relay Championships  with the A winning a brilliant
        but importantly as 1st B team.   Fifty two of BBHAC young   gold. Annie Thomas lead off
        The C team all ran well, with a   athletes competed in this   on leg 1 running the 4th fastest
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