Page 21 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 21

Athletics Report  21

        National Cross Country Relays   The U13 girls teams placed 13th   Tom Brash ran hard and fast
        Mansfield 4th November 2017  and 32nd.          on leg one in the U15 boys race
        The National cross country                      passing to Will Andrews, who
        relays were once again held in   Twenty one BBHAC boys   ran well posting a time 25 sec-
        Berry Hill Park, Mansfield,   descended on Mansfield from   onds quicker than last year. Will
        Nottinghamshire, on the superb   various locations across the   handed to Oliver Bright making
        course that offers everything   country including Birmingham,   his full club debut and Oliver
        needed for a great Champion-  Durham, West London, South   made light work of the course
        ships - tough hills, woodlands,   London and Hayes!  powering around in the second
        mud, grass, fast sections and                   fastest time of the day, with
        all this easily accessed by the   The U17 boys were best repre-  the team finishing 33rd. Bailey
        large numbers of spectators in   sented and the A team finished   Marks and Harvey Blanden
        attendance.             a high 16th. They were led out   both ran well but without a third
                                by Peter Guy running hard in   runner were unable to complete
        Dave Cordell temporarily came   his usual fashion, handing over   a team.
        out of retirement to transport   to Callum Myatt who negoti-
        the tent up North before secur-  ated the tough 3k course well,   A great championship and great
        ing prime location just down the   before handing over to Matthew   venue but still at least three
        hill from the start. Fortunately   Francis who stormed around   hours away on a good journey.
        a few of our keen members   the course being rewarded with   So many thanks must go to all
        were also on site early and able   the 6th fastest time of the day.   the parents who made the huge
        to help put the tent up. Many   A great team effort. The B team   effort to get our athletes to
        thanks to Dave and all who   saw Ben Gardiner continue his   Berry Hill in plenty of time to
        helped with the tent.   fine form on leg 1, finishing   prepare and warm up. Special
                                high up the field passing to   thanks to Sarah Gardiner who
        At these Championships we are   Charlie Andrews who kept the   had a people carrier full, coach
        restricted to only three teams   pressure on leaving Cameron   Nigel Stickings, Paul Brash (who
        per age group. This probably   Swatton to bring the team home   even managed a leg in the senior
        affects our U15 girls most, due   crossing the line in 41st.   team) and Dan Marks (who
        to the large number of U15                      also managed a leg in the senior
        athletes we have but this makes   Theo Wood and Carlos Ohler   team) who took over 6 hours
        competition for the team slots   had strong runs for the C team   negotiating Friday traffic!
        harder but ultimately increases   but unfortunately we had no
        standards as was proved by their   third leg runner to complete the   It was also fabulous to have club
        unprecedented results. The A   team.            President Nick Brooks there
        team were emphatic winners                      supporting all of our athletes
        and the B team were equally   The U13 boys finished a cred-  and many thanks to Nick’s
        impressive coming a very strong   itable 30th with Ben Campbell   mum for bringing him up (to
        2nd while the C team placed a   running a great opening leg   Mansfield)! Great also to have
        very creditable 15th. Incredible   passing to Max Gregson who   immediate Past President Bill
        results. The A team of Ava   held his own on U13 2k lap,   Foster at the club tent, in his
        White, Morgan Squibb and   handing to Jamie Sears who   capacity as a club ambassador
        Naomi Toft and the B team of   ran a good leg for his first run   and the endurance coach at
        Zakia Mossi, Annie Thomas   in these championships. Oliver   Loughborough University.
        and Ellie Dolby unsurprisingly   Robertson was our only B team
        all feature high up in the fastest   runner but his performance puts   Paul Austridge
        times posted on the day.  him among the U13’s best.
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