Page 9 - index
P. 9
Athletics Report 7
Fast times in Detling Skinners triumph
The Kent County on snowy Weirside
Championship is always an The biggest race of the
important event and this season by far is the English
season it returned to the National Cross Country
Detling show ground. The Championships. The
course takes in a few fields and Peter Tucker, Alex Gibbins, Jon National Cross country
some short wooded sections Vintner and Fintan Parkinson was held in Sunderland at
and is reasonably flat, which at Parliament Hill Herrington Country Park.
made for some quick times The club struggled to find
at the sharp end of the race. Muddy felds of Hampstead accommodation in Sunderland
Blackheath fielded a strong In January, the South of so we were based at an hotel
team with 10 runners. England Cross Country in Middlesbrough and 12
Championships were
First home in 2nd position was postponed due to adverse Senior men made the long slog
Andy Rayner: an impressive weather and this led to other north on the Friday night.
return to form for Andy and it cancellations and reshuffling
looked good for the rest of the of dates. This inevitably had
season. The team was 4th in an effect on the number of
the 6 to score competition. athletes we could field when
The results were: the race was rebooked for
February. However
Andrew Rayner 2nd in 41:10 6 made it and ran,
Alex Gibbins 11th in 42:49 The team was 10th
Danny Brewer 29th in 45:03 within the 6 to score The team made their way
Jamie Darling 47th in 47:21 competition. to the course early Saturday
Jonathan Vintner 56th in 48:30 Everyone has a morning, in a rag tag convoy
Mark Watling 82nd in 51:15 horror story about of Smart cars, works vans and
Fintan Parkinson 89th in 51:42 running at Parliament sensible family saloons.
Richard Hall 112th in 53:47 Hill, the depth of the Initially the course was
Andrew Lawes 134th in 56:31 mud, the state of the covered in snow and was firm
Nigel Bulmer 160th in 62:25 course. This year was under foot, however, by the
no different, with all time it came to the last race
6 runners remarking that this of the day, for the senior men,
year was the muddiest ever! the course was a quagmire of
mud and snow.
Alex Gibbins 46th in 0:54:26
Peter Tucker 53rd in 0:55:19 Mike Skinner led
Danny Brewer 79th in 0:57:14 the team from
Fintan Parkinson 165th in 1:01:39 the front, trading
Jon Vintner 173rd in 1:01:55 blows with the
Andrew Lawes 398th in 1:13:13 eventual winner
Keith Gerrard for
Fast times in Detling Skinners triumph
The Kent County on snowy Weirside
Championship is always an The biggest race of the
important event and this season by far is the English
season it returned to the National Cross Country
Detling show ground. The Championships. The
course takes in a few fields and Peter Tucker, Alex Gibbins, Jon National Cross country
some short wooded sections Vintner and Fintan Parkinson was held in Sunderland at
and is reasonably flat, which at Parliament Hill Herrington Country Park.
made for some quick times The club struggled to find
at the sharp end of the race. Muddy felds of Hampstead accommodation in Sunderland
Blackheath fielded a strong In January, the South of so we were based at an hotel
team with 10 runners. England Cross Country in Middlesbrough and 12
Championships were
First home in 2nd position was postponed due to adverse Senior men made the long slog
Andy Rayner: an impressive weather and this led to other north on the Friday night.
return to form for Andy and it cancellations and reshuffling
looked good for the rest of the of dates. This inevitably had
season. The team was 4th in an effect on the number of
the 6 to score competition. athletes we could field when
The results were: the race was rebooked for
February. However
Andrew Rayner 2nd in 41:10 6 made it and ran,
Alex Gibbins 11th in 42:49 The team was 10th
Danny Brewer 29th in 45:03 within the 6 to score The team made their way
Jamie Darling 47th in 47:21 competition. to the course early Saturday
Jonathan Vintner 56th in 48:30 Everyone has a morning, in a rag tag convoy
Mark Watling 82nd in 51:15 horror story about of Smart cars, works vans and
Fintan Parkinson 89th in 51:42 running at Parliament sensible family saloons.
Richard Hall 112th in 53:47 Hill, the depth of the Initially the course was
Andrew Lawes 134th in 56:31 mud, the state of the covered in snow and was firm
Nigel Bulmer 160th in 62:25 course. This year was under foot, however, by the
no different, with all time it came to the last race
6 runners remarking that this of the day, for the senior men,
year was the muddiest ever! the course was a quagmire of
mud and snow.
Alex Gibbins 46th in 0:54:26
Peter Tucker 53rd in 0:55:19 Mike Skinner led
Danny Brewer 79th in 0:57:14 the team from
Fintan Parkinson 165th in 1:01:39 the front, trading
Jon Vintner 173rd in 1:01:55 blows with the
Andrew Lawes 398th in 1:13:13 eventual winner
Keith Gerrard for