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P. 5
Interview 3

the 1970s the age range was visionary forebears bought the
something like 20-40. Now it Hayes site which has served
is 40-60 or beyond. us well for nearly 100 years,
In terms of middle distance but we, or whoever is coming
the general standard of after, will also have to be as
athletics hasn t improved. The visionary and consider where
winning times in club middle the club is going to be in 20
distance championships are years time.
1st London Marathon, 1981. generally slower than they The club has, in the next few
years, got to make a decision
Fresh enough to have a chat at 6 were in the 70s and 80s. At as to whether we develop the
miles (BHH member Brian Swift the top level the standards are club house site so that the club
in foreground).... excellent but there does not
seem to be strength in depth, house becomes the training
different and applied to do as there used to be. In the past and social hub with Norman
Park providing a focus for
teacher training. I went back to quite a lot more people in their track and field, as now, or
Askes and completed one year 20s were competing against whether we consider relocating
of teacher training and started each other over the country to Norman Park completely.
my teaching career at St and at middle distance every Weve got a valuable asset in
Dunstans teaching physics. I week which raised the overall the club house and site its
retired from full time teaching standards. worth a lot of money which
two years ago but I am starting On the positive side the could be used for the benefit
part time, teaching astronomy performance of our young of all members and the wider
at St Olavess in September. athletes and our field athletes community. At present it is not
One advantage of working at and sprinters is amazing and being fully exploited.
a local school is that there will makes me proud to be President
be an opportunity to recruit of such a successful club.
young athletes for Blackheath!
Do you think in the future
How has the club changed in is there any realistic danger
your 45 years of membership? that the club might split up?
Yes The biggest change and No, but there are definitely
for the better is that we now two clubs now in existence
accept women members! one at the club house for
I was mainly involved in social functions and traditional
winter cross country and cross country, and the other
middle distance on the track (younger and more dynamic)
in the 70s and 80s. The based at Norman Park.
atmosphere at club hasn t Im worried that the
really changed much, although demographic age profile of
the age profile of the regulars those using the clubhouse is
at the Hayes club house getting older and as we drop
and in the traditional Cross off our perches who is going
Country races has changed. In to replace us? In 1926 our .... and not so fresh at 22 miles
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