Page 6 - index
P. 6
4 Interview


in traffic, we may not be
able run these races over the As is customary at the end
traditional and much loved of the presidential year the
courses. A couple of years ago outgoing president performed
we had to modify the course his last duty in awarding
and make it an out and back three new vice presidencies.
route because of lack of One of these was long overdue
and for services officiating
marshals, which disappointed
many competitors. and administering, one was
3k steeplechase at Norman Park in recognition of coaching
in 1984 Marshalling is enjoyable. achievements, and one was for
It offers a good afternoon being a great all rounder who
It is easy to assume that the out, with chance for a bit of could be available for the club
club is going to survive much exercise and to see the races at anything.
as it has, but this is only close up, so if anyone wants to In making these creations the
because of the relatively few help please let me know. new Immediate Past President
older members who devote so What do you think you will had this to say about each
much of their time and energy do in the club after the end nominee.
to making it what it is. I want
to encourage the younger of your year in offce?
I will continue in my roles as
members who come along on Winter Manager and Secretary
Wednesdays or to the track to and Chief Trail Layer.
get involved with the future
management and running of What is your message to
the club. the club?
As in my inaugural address
In your role of chief trial
layer are you getting more get a move on! We need Hanna Cordell
support? more volunteers to help, in A lady who with her husband
We are certainly getting good a small or big way. The club has done a lot for the club
support for most events. only runs so well because of officiating in all weathers on
There is a small band of volunteers. We need to bring track, road and cross-country
regulars who turn up to on future managers from the filling the role of Honourable
events week in week out, younger band of members Secretary, stepping into the
as well as the occasional coming through to take on the breach when our trophies
volunteers who help when responsibilities of running the secretary of many years
they can. I usually email about club. So my ambition is to get decided to call it a day. I really
40 people and about 10 are more and younger volunteers had to talk her into accepting
available to be marshals. My involved at every level in the it but it is impossible to
primary concern is for the club. overstate how much she has
safety of the runners. If we Bob, many thanks for giving done for the club including a
can t marshal the road sections spell of motor cross driving in
of the cross country courses, the time for this interview. Sunderland for the Nationals
particularly with the increase Wilf Orton/Bob Cliff in February.
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