Page 14 - index
P. 14
Junior Athletics
As we walked the course the As a junior girl my race was
From Paul Austridge, two next day we saw some of the 4th, meaning the course was
reports on the performance obstacles that we would later extremely muddy by my run.
of two rising talents in two face in our race low branches, From my performance in the
different age groups of the steep hills and mud lots of Kent Schools cross country I
junior athletes recounting it! I was running first. There was third in my pen and very
their respective experiences were masses of runners so nervous. The gun went and we
during the course of last I found an edge out on the began. Unfortunately, I had a
winter. In the case of one of wing. We were all warned not very bad start, featuring around
them, Jess Keene, her event to shove, but as the gun went 50th-100th after the first 100m.
brought her the opportunity off, everyone lunged forward Determined, I didn t give up
for international competition, and some of the runners in the
proof again that despite the middle fell over. I was cheered and gradually pushed up the
field until I found myself in
clubs concerns of having an on by the team as I drove up
ageing membership there is the long hill. Entering the 9th. I knew that I had to come
talent and ability in depth for in 8th or lower to secure the
the coming young generation. woods, I was really grateful opportunity to run for England.
for my spikes. There was mud I lent forwards and pushed hard
everywhere! With 300m to until I crossed the finishing
National Road Relays go, I saw the finish line. But I line in that all important 8th
Mansfeld couldnt see George! Luckily he position, with a wide smile on
On Saturday 3rd November, spotted me and took off as I my face. Still in shock I was
Joe, George, Harrison and I ran crossed the line. Finding a spot, immediately ushered into the
in the National Road Relays in I cheered him and Joe on. They international tent to sign forms,
Mansfield. Our weekend began both ran great races. It was a collect our train tickets to Wales
with a long journey but when fantastic effort and we finished and the best of all, to receive
we got to our hotel we were 14th overall. I had a great time. my very own England kit. Still
excited to find a swimming Many thanks to the volunteers astonished, I then rushed out
pool. After fun in the pool and who supported us over the to join the Kent team to collect
a tasty evening meal we got weekend, and special thanks to the gold medal we had won.
an early night so we d be fresh Paul and Joes dad for doing all The following weekend I
and rested for the next day. the driving. nervously arrived at Paddington
Jake Potter Station not knowing anyone
personally only knowing
other runners by reputation.
English Schools Cross Fortunately, everyone was
Country Championships really nice and we all got on
On the 16th March 2013 the well. Several of the team joined
Kent team arrived at Catton the train from Paddington to
Hall, Derbyshire, in the pouring Swansea at different points along
rain to run the English schools the route, finally meeting up with
cross country; an important the rest of the team that had
race with the top 8 selected to arrived from the North in the
run for England. hotel. Everyone felt the same
Junior Athletics
As we walked the course the As a junior girl my race was
From Paul Austridge, two next day we saw some of the 4th, meaning the course was
reports on the performance obstacles that we would later extremely muddy by my run.
of two rising talents in two face in our race low branches, From my performance in the
different age groups of the steep hills and mud lots of Kent Schools cross country I
junior athletes recounting it! I was running first. There was third in my pen and very
their respective experiences were masses of runners so nervous. The gun went and we
during the course of last I found an edge out on the began. Unfortunately, I had a
winter. In the case of one of wing. We were all warned not very bad start, featuring around
them, Jess Keene, her event to shove, but as the gun went 50th-100th after the first 100m.
brought her the opportunity off, everyone lunged forward Determined, I didn t give up
for international competition, and some of the runners in the
proof again that despite the middle fell over. I was cheered and gradually pushed up the
field until I found myself in
clubs concerns of having an on by the team as I drove up
ageing membership there is the long hill. Entering the 9th. I knew that I had to come
talent and ability in depth for in 8th or lower to secure the
the coming young generation. woods, I was really grateful opportunity to run for England.
for my spikes. There was mud I lent forwards and pushed hard
everywhere! With 300m to until I crossed the finishing
National Road Relays go, I saw the finish line. But I line in that all important 8th
Mansfeld couldnt see George! Luckily he position, with a wide smile on
On Saturday 3rd November, spotted me and took off as I my face. Still in shock I was
Joe, George, Harrison and I ran crossed the line. Finding a spot, immediately ushered into the
in the National Road Relays in I cheered him and Joe on. They international tent to sign forms,
Mansfield. Our weekend began both ran great races. It was a collect our train tickets to Wales
with a long journey but when fantastic effort and we finished and the best of all, to receive
we got to our hotel we were 14th overall. I had a great time. my very own England kit. Still
excited to find a swimming Many thanks to the volunteers astonished, I then rushed out
pool. After fun in the pool and who supported us over the to join the Kent team to collect
a tasty evening meal we got weekend, and special thanks to the gold medal we had won.
an early night so we d be fresh Paul and Joes dad for doing all The following weekend I
and rested for the next day. the driving. nervously arrived at Paddington
Jake Potter Station not knowing anyone
personally only knowing
other runners by reputation.
English Schools Cross Fortunately, everyone was
Country Championships really nice and we all got on
On the 16th March 2013 the well. Several of the team joined
Kent team arrived at Catton the train from Paddington to
Hall, Derbyshire, in the pouring Swansea at different points along
rain to run the English schools the route, finally meeting up with
cross country; an important the rest of the team that had
race with the top 8 selected to arrived from the North in the
run for England. hotel. Everyone felt the same