Last updated
06 October 2021
B&BHAC & the London Marathon
- more info here too... and on the
early London's (1981-1999)
Marathon Rankings
The 41st London Marathon 3
October 2021
The 41st London Marathon was again held
October - Coronavirus still having an effect. 40,000 ran a
wave system and 50,000 ran a virtual marathon.
As usual please send me
any updates, amendments or photos, soonest.
The London Marathon website does not show the runners
club (in most cases) so it is not very easy to find people that took part.
At the moment it looks like Ross Braden and Celeste Kriel are our Club
Marathon Champions, congratulations.

Dr Phil Sesemann (now 2nd claim) was first Brit home in 2:12:58, 7th overall
O/A |
Gender |
Cat |
Name |
Club |
Num |
Age Cat |
Event |
Half |
Finish |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Braden, Ross (GBR) |
895 |
18-39 |
Mass |
01:08:30 |
02:19:33 |
236 |
235 |
46 |
Vilardell, Roger (ESP) |
1190 |
40-44 |
Mass |
01:16:47 |
02:36:55 |
647 |
641 |
63 |
Ercolani, Luca (GBR) |
27279 |
45-49 |
Mass |
01:21:44 |
02:45:11 |
758 |
745 |
178 |
Evans, Micah (GBR) |
38044 |
40-44 |
Mass |
01:22:52 |
02:46:41 |
2109 |
2005 |
310 |
896 |
45-49 |
Mass |
01:28:32 |
02:59:57 |
3271 |
2976 |
649 |
Evenden, Steve (GBR) |
12086 |
40-44 |
Mass |
01:35:18 |
03:11:26 |
6133 |
5091 |
1021 |
Sharpe, Paul (GBR) |
22525 |
40-44 |
Mass |
01:25:28 |
03:31:11 |
6510 |
5446 |
279 |
Swatton, Iain (GBR) |
19708 |
55-59 |
Mass |
01:38:10 |
03:30:04 |
10288 |
7870 |
217 |
Barber, Nick (GBR) |
21333 |
60-64 |
Mass |
01:47:42 |
03:51:39 |
20933 |
14522 |
152 |
Alger, Gerry (GBR) |
21277 |
65-69 |
Mass |
02:02:54 |
04:37:32 |
28175 |
8961 |
3963 |
Kriel, Celeste (RSA) |
31461 |
18-39 |
Mass |
02:07:52 |
04:44:41 |
24664 |
8064 |
452 |
49586 |
55-59 |
Mass |
02:11:09 |
04:54:54 |
34636 |
21012 |
150 |
Ridgewell, Stan (GBR) |
49975 |
70-74 |
Mass |
03:11:05 |
06:36:27 |
Others - 2nd Claim and ex-members

B&BHAC & the London Marathon
3 fastest Male B&B London times belong to Mark Steinle 2:09:17 on 14
April 2002, 2:10:46 on 22 April 2001 and 2:11:18 on16 April 2000 - yes, he
got faster by the year!
The fastest Female time of 2:58:44 was set on 23 April
1989 by Janida Williams. She was/is the wife of Mike Williams an ex
Blackheath man. In those days there were no Lady members of BH and Janida
ran for Bromley Ladies, who, as you know, eventually merged with Blackheath
Harriers to form Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC. As part of her training
she used to run out with BH on Wednesday evenings 'illegally'!
In the early 1980's Blackheath had an abundance of
good club standard athletes and in the first London, in 1981, we had 32 dip
inside the 3 hour barrier. In 1982, 42 - 1983, 35 - 1984, 31 & 1985
23. To date we have had 383 recorded times inside 3 hours. In 2018 we only
You can check out more detailed information in the
Marathon Rankings section.

Thirty-two London Marathon Medals belonging to Mike Peel. Yes, from the
first in 1981 to the 32nd in 2012.
If you want to know more about the handful of athletes that have completed
ALL the London's check out
The Ever Presents