Page 45 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 45
Feature 43
Behind the scenes…
Paul Austridge pays tribute to the supporters
It’s no surprise that We needed their expertise contingent were hoping to
Blackheath and Bromley on certain occasions notably leave early and spend the
are such a great club with during the weekend of the afternoon relaxing with Dave
great athletes, members and National Cross Country Cordell and Nic Corry in the
parents who provide support Championships at Mansfield. pub however, their plans were
in many ways, officiating, scuppered when Dick filled
The bulk of the boys’ squad his son Gareth’s car with the
driving, providing and a few of the girls’ squad wrong fuel. Several hours and
refreshments and cheering travelled up by minibus on pounds later they were ready
the Friday but as numbers to join the traffic jams!!
the athletes along. increase each year we are
very fortunate to have Next morning the sight of
parents willing and happy diligent Dave, our driver
to transport our athletes for the weekend, rushing
all the way to the midlands back into the hotel looking
and back. Nick Swatton, concerned was a real worry.
Cameron’s dad did just this The minibus wouldn’t start
and took four of the U13 as the battery had completely
boys. Unfortunately Nick had drained. We thought Nick
a blow out puncture on the Swatton had had enough
M11 and despite jacking the of vehicle problems but he
car up and undoing the wheel reacted quickly and whisked
nuts was unable to remove the Dave away to find somewhere
wheel. The two hour wait in to buy jump leads. Thirty
a field next to the motorway minutes later sporting a heavy
was great fun for the boys duty pair they quickly set
who re enacted X factor over about getting the minibus
and over, but not so for Nick. started. Huge thanks go
We weren’t the only ones with to Nick Swatton for many
vehicle issues, the Griffin reasons but especially for
making light work of the
situation and getting us
all mobile again. Nick did
get his rewards as all of
the Blackheath contingent
cheered him on during his
senior mens race, despite
wearing the colours of our
rivals Herne Hill Harriers!!
One constant and ever
present feature of the many
cross country events over the
season was the tent and once