Page 48 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 48
46 Feature
down to watch the National that finds sanctuary down As Richard’s term of office
Cross Country Relays on a the back of your coat and a has come to its end I’ve
bright but very chilly day. howling wind that holds you enjoyed the past year more
Aided only by a cup of hot tight in its chilly embrace. It than I thought possible. It
chocolate and a mini-dog was whilst I was having such has often been cold, wet and
we settled down to cheer a great time at said event that muddy but we’ve also had
our teams on – a flash of I came up with a new section fabulous weather, especially
black, a streak of blue and for the club. I propose setting for the club BBQs and
magenta and then it was all up a male, under 30s beach athletic meetings. Wherever
over in a matter of seconds! volleyball team to play all our we have been, we have had
At least with marathons you home matches in California. lots of laughs and have really
get your money’s worth as You have my number if you’re enjoyed making a whole host
a spectator! We came away interested. of new friends. Long live
with two national titles and a Bromley and Blackheath
four-hour journey south. Ken Why do cross-country Harriers.
Daniels navigated us home, runners complain about
taking over from Sally Satnav getting cold, wet and muddy? I arrived at the AGM to
as we approached London. make sure Richard really was
Do not trust a man to get You don’t hear Tom Daly vacating his chair and to my
you through the Blackwall moan that “the board was utter surprise and delight I
Tunnel on the night that an very, very high and the water was made a Vice President.
enormous Firework Party was really wet” or Greg The only reason I had not
is being held on Blackheath Rutherford complain that become a full member earlier
Common. Nuff said. “the sand gets in my shoes was that Associate Members
and it’s really annoying.” are not allowed to run for the
If you want a really fun Nobody makes you do it; it’s club. This will not change.
day out, may I suggest you supposed to be fun!! Did it, hated it so not going to
volunteer to help at Sparrows do it again!
Den and get involved with the The Boxing Day run was a
cross- country races. Squelchy great success but judging the Sheila Griffin
ankle-grabbing mud, rain Fancy Dress was a nightmare.
With a couple of exceptions
the costumes consisted of a
Santa hat or a bit of tinsel,
or even worse, shop-bought
ones. Look at photos of
previous runs for inspiration
and spot Denis the Menace,
Tarzan and son, the accident
victim, Sidney Wooderson,
The Weakest Link and many
more. This year I will award
a bottle of champagne to
the most original homemade
costume, so get thinking!