Page 41 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 41

Athletics Report                    39

The winds blew really hard      or even on the bike although     I recognised for time gaps,
in the week leading up to       the wind was often brutal.       but all I was getting back
the race so I was pleased       Coming from a mountain           was ‘your winning’, (my age
with my decision not to use     bike background, grinding        category). Finally after 26km
a ‘deep section’ front wheel    up hills is basically what I     someone told me that I was
(based on past experiences      can do. Plus, I was super        over 20 minutes ahead. This
in Lanza spent wrestling the    hydrated, needing to have        info had actually come via
handlebars attempting to        multiple wee’s whilst on the     Blackheath’s own Jim Phelan
control a wayward front wheel   move on the bike (even more      following the race online at
in the fierce crosswinds), but  important than normal to         home in the UK, he’d text to
to bring a normal shallow       check the wind direction         say my gap was 23 mins and
section front.                  first!) which is always a good   increasing. Good solid info at
                                sign in a hot ironman race       last. I was spurred on by the
I met up with Trevor            like Lanza.                      news and just kept balancing
Simmons (ex Blackheath &                                         the nutrition (gels) to keep
Bromley) and his partner        The start of the run was         moving forward and energy
Lucy for a leg massage at his   daunting, with the thought       coming through into the legs.
Athletes Prepared By Clinic     of running a marathon into       It came in waves, sometimes
(APB Works) in the village      strong winds a first for me,     I felt OK and at other times
of La Santa on registration     but I was determined to          I was just creeping forward. I
day. Now I really was ready     endure and just keep running,    held that 20 minute gap until
to race... From the ‘B’ of      even through the aid stations,   the finish line to achieve the
Bang I knew I was on for a      to lose as little time as        number 1 spot on the podium
good day as I was never too     possible to my competitors. I    for the first time this year...
stressed in either the swim     was asking various ‘faces’ that  in my most important race...
                                                                 my primary goal... how did I
                                                                 feel... relieved and delighted!!

                                                                 I won a qualification slot for
                                                                 the World Champs in Hawaii
                                                                 in October, but passed it up
                                                                 this year after getting sick 2
                                                                 days before the race last year...
                                                                 and the thought of those long
                                                                 costly trans-Atlantic flights...
                                                                 no... for me the sun bed

                                                                                        Nick Kinsey
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