Page 39 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 39
Athletics Report 37
Paul Ross Davies, Andy Lawes and Rob Brown Ellison and Ian Montgomery
all had good solid runs and
come and join us! Thanks group! Very disappointing!! I am grateful to them for
as always to the Blackheath By entering people in younger taking the time to travel to
and Bromley officials who age groups we did manage to Birmingham.
marshalled and officiated so get an M45 team and a W35
well at the 2014 event. team to Birmingham to fly the This is the last time I will
flag for the club. be organising teams for this
National Masters event, sometimes it seems as
Road Relays Our W35 team of Jenny if I’m asking people to do me
Neale, Leyla Ari, Anne Cilia a personal favour by running.
The National Masters Road and Sara Elmqvist finished I’ve been doing it for years,
Relays were once again held 22nd team. We were all really since the days when people
at Sutton Park in Birmingham grateful to Sara for running, wanted to represent the club
featuring varying numbers she had just had a nasty tooth and frankly I’ve had enough.
of 5k legs depending on the operation a few days before So it’s over to you, whoever
age group. This is always a and turned up at the start you are!
great event and on paper we looking as if she’d been in a
have some excellent teams, fight!! Thanks too to Leyla for In the past we have had some
not least our M35 team which standing in to fill a gap and magnificent performances
could have been fantastic. Anne had really wanted to with our M50 winning the
Unfortunately it was not to be run as a W55 not 35! event but that was about 8
and we couldn’t even manage years ago!
to field a team at all in this age The men’s 45 team of Neil
Ayrton, Steve Pairman, Mark More recently I would like to
thank everyone who has ever
run but in particular; Steve
Cooper, Andy Lawes, Mark
Ellison and Neil Ayrton for
turning up with enthusiasm
year after year to compete,
you are true stars!
Anne Cilia